Course Justification

Course Justification is a brief paragraph, which must include the following elements, as applicable.

  1. st element is a transfer-level statement (CSU and/or UC), if applicable.
    • For example, "This is a UC and CSU transferable course."

  2. nd element is a CTE (Career Technical Education) statement, if applicable.
    • For example, "This is a CTE course."

  3. rd element is an honors course statement, if applicable.
    • For example, "This is an honors course."

  4. th element is a GE statement (De Anza or Cal-GETC), if applicable.
    • For example, "This is a De Anza and Cal-GETC GE."

  5. th element names only one certificate/degree program the course is on, if applicable.
    • For example, "This course belongs on the Liberal Arts AA degree."

  6. th element is a stand-alone statement if the 4th and 5th elements do not apply.
    • For example, "This is a stand-alone course."

  7. th element addresses the following question: How does this course meet a student-identified need and how it is different from other course offerings (especially if this course is part of a sequence)? (NOTE: Limit this information to no more than 2-3 concise sentences).


  • AUTO 50A - Introduction to Automotive Principles
    This CTE, CSU transferable course is intended as an introduction to automotive systems and to better prepare students to enter the Day and Evening Programs as advised by our industry advisory committee. This stand-alone course will inform students of vehicle repair safety and the importance of properly maintained vehicles.

  • BIOL 6A - Form and Function in the Biological World
    This course is a major preparation requirement in the discipline of Biology for at least one CSU or UC. This course also meets a general education requirement for De Anza, CSUGE and/or IGETC. This course belongs on the Biological Sciences AS degree. This course provides students in the life sciences with essential foundations in biological forms and functions.

  • SPAN 1 - Elementary Spanish (First Quarter)
    This course fulfills a GE requirement, both for De Anza and CSU. It belongs on the Certificate of Achievement-Advanced and the A.A. Degree in Global Studies at De Anza. It is a major preparation requirement in the discipline of Spanish for at least one CSU or UC. It is the first third of the beginning-level Spanish series. It initiates the development of the language production and processing skills that are necessary to enable communication with a focus on culture.

  • SPAN 2 - Elementary Spanish (First Quarter)
    This course fulfills a GE requirement for De Anza, CSU, and UC. It belongs on the Certificate of Achievement-Advanced and the A.A. Degree in Global Studies at De Anza. It is a major preparation requirement in the discipline of Spanish for at least one CSU or UC. It is the second third of the beginning-level Spanish series. It continues the development of the language production and processing skills that are necessary to enable communication with a focus on culture.

  • SPAN 3 - Elementary Spanish (First Quarter)
    This course fulfills a GE requirement for De Anza, CSU, and IGETC. It belongs on the Certificate of Achievement-Advanced and the A.A. Degree in Global Studies at De Anza. It is a major preparation requirement in the discipline of Spanish for at least one CSU or UC. It is the last third of the beginning-level Spanish series. It develops the language production and processing skills that are necessary to enable communication at a high-beginning level with a focus on culture.
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