CSLO - Course Student Learning Outcome
The guideline on how the Curriculum Committee evaluates course level CSLOs when approving new and revised courses was approved on February 14, 2012. It will be forwarded to De Anza College Academic Senate for approval.
Approved February 14, 2012
Does the Curriculum Committee evaluate CSLOs when approving new and revised courses?
Changes to CSLO's are reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. As stated in ASCCC The Course Outline of Record “While each required course element must be written discretely, each element should also take into account other components to assure the final course outline is constructed in an integrated manner. For example, an interwoven relationship should exist between the discrete skills and content students should learn (course objectives), how proficiency in those objectives will be evaluated (methods of evaluation), and the measurable skills and abilities that students are able to demonstrate subsequent to completing the CSLOs.
- Wordsmithing/minor changes should be made using the EDIT function in eLumen.
- Substantial changes should be made using the DELETE and ADD functions in eLumen.