General Meeting Information
Date: February 27,
Time: 4- 6 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 881 0102 5097
Passcode: 463267
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM Call to Order A - Wadi Lin Lei
4:00 PM Roll Call A - Wadi Lin Lei
4:00 PM Public Comments I - All
4:02 PM Advisor announcements
I - All
4:04 PM Business Item 1
Complaint Forms and Disqualification
This item is to take action on the complaint forms and disqualifications so far.
zoom - Yinwa Yung
Time: 100 minutes
- Wadi Lin Lei
- Aura Ozturk
- Tracy Chang
5:44 PM Public Comments
- All
5:46 PM Advisor announcements
- Advisors
5:48 PM Adjournment
- Wadi Lin Lei
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call to Order
- Wadi called the meeting to order at 16.04 pm.
Roll Call
- Aura - present
- Wadi - present
- Yinwa - present (online)
- Tracy - present
Public comment:
- none
Advisor announcements
- advisor announcements were made
Business Item 1:
- Complaint Forms Disqualification subjects were brought up.
- Each candidate subjected to disqualification were given a chance to speak.
- Discussion to come up with a way to hold the subjected candidates accountable.
- Wadi motioned to have the subjected candidates held accountable by writing an 500 word written reflection to the Advisors on their violation(s), why they were inappropriate, and reach out to those affected if necessary in-person, as well as fulfill 12 hours of community service before affirming to office. Tracy Seconded
- Candidates that were held accountable:
President- Aroush Fatima
Administration- Varshi Patcha, Eddie Naing
Finance- Jacob Kao
SRE-Kavi Kumaresan
Events- Inky Ganbold, Ryan Yi, Lakshya Saini
Student Trustee- Kunishka Mudada, Elora Zhu
ICC- Vincent Shao, Naim Pichori
- Time: 2 hours
Vote to approve the motion for subjected candidates # Last First Vote 1 Lei Wadi Lin Yes 2 Chang Tracy Yes 3 Ozturk Aura No Motion Passed Public comments
- public comments were made.
Advisor announcements
- Advisor announcements were made.
- Wadi adjourned the meeting at 18:04 PM