General Meeting Information
Date: March 6,
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 11:00 Call to Order
A Michi Ozaki 11:00 Roll Call
I/D Michi Ozaki 11:00 Approval of Minutes
I/D/A All 11:05 Public Comments
I All 11:05 Advisor Announcements I Dennis Shannakian 11:05 Business Item #1
Title: Check-in
This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other.
Prompt: If you had a time machine, would you visit the past or the future?
Time: 5 minutes
I/D All 11:10 Business Item #2
Title: Earth Week Planning
This item is to discuss and plan for the earth week in the Spring quarter.
Time: 15 minutes
I/D All 11:25 Business Item #3
Title: Bike Program Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.
Time: 15 minutes
11:40 Business Item #4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.
Time: 10 minutes
Dariga 11:50 Public Comments
All 11:50 Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
New interns 11:55 Advisor Announcements
Dennis Shannakian 12:00 Adjournment
Michi Ozaki