DASG Executive Officer Elections

2025-2026 Election Happening Now!

Mon Feb 24th at 06:00 am — Fri Mar 7th at 04:00 pm

Contact the Candidates

Election & Training Schedule

Event Date Time Location
Application Deadline Monday
by 5:30 PM Online Form
Mandatory Candidates' Orientation Meeting Wednesday
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center
Makeup Mandatory Candidates' Orientation Meeting Friday 2/7/2025

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Student Council Chambers (SCC) or DASG Lounge (sign says DASB)
Lower Level of the Campus Center
Campaigning and Voting Begin Monday
6:00 AM Campaigning on the Interior of De Anza Campus Only (No Parking Lots or Exterior Facing Areas)
Note: Anyone posting campaign material before this time may be disqualified from the general election
Voting will take place online at www.deanza.edu/studentvote
Candidate Introductions, Q&A, and Debates Tuesday
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Conference Rooms A & B
Upper Level of the Campus Center
Inter Club Council (ICC) Meeting Wednesday
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center

Candidates for the DASG Chair of Inter Club Council (ICC) (ICC Chairperson) are strongly encouraged to attend to speak to the Club Representatives at this meeting.

Campaigning and Voting End Friday
4:00 PM www.deanza.edu/studentvote
Expense Reports Due (MANDATORY) * Monday
by 4:00 PM Email to ShannakianDennis@fhda.edu
Complaint Forms (if any) Due (OPTIONAL) * Monday
by 4:00 PM Email to ShannakianDennis@fhda.edu
Election Certification and Complaint Meeting * Thursday
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center
DASG Executive Officer Election Results Posted (if no appeals) * by Thursday
  Online at www.deanza.edu/dasg/elections and outside DASG Lounge
Appeal Meeting (if necessary) * Wednesday
4:00 PM Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center
DASG Executive Officer Election Results Posted (if there are appeals) * by Thursday
  Online at www.deanza.edu/dasg/elections and outside DASG Lounge
DASG Internal Officer Application Becomes Available After DASG Executive Officer Election Results Posted   Online at www.deanza.edu/dasg/elections
DASG Internal Officer Application Deadline Friday 4/18/2024 by 5:30 PM Online Form

DASG Internal Officer Elections

Wednesday 4/23/2025 4:00 PM

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center

Voting by Current DASG Senate and Newly 
Elected DASG Executive Officers

Mandatory DASG Executive Officer Training

Friday 4/25/2025 TBD

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center (tentative)

DASG Internal Officer Elections

Wednesday 4/30/2025 4:00 PM

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center

Voting by Current DASG Senate and Newly 
Elected DASG Executive Officers

DASG Internal Officer Elections (if necessary)

Wednesday 5/7/2025 4:00 PM

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center

Voting by Current DASG Senate and Newly 
Elected DASG Executive Officers

Mandatory DASG All Senators Training # 1 Friday 5/9/2025 TBD Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center (tentative)

DASG Internal Officer Elections (if necessary)

Wednesday 5/14/2025 4:00 PM

Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center

Voting by Current DASG Senate and Newly 
Elected DASG Executive Officers

Mandatory DASG All Senators Training # 1 Friday 5/16/2025 (backup date) TBD Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center (tentative)
Mandatory DASG All Senators Training # 2 Friday 5/30/2025 (backup date) TBD Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center (tentative)
Student Leadership Conference(s) or Workshop(s) TBD TBD TBD
Student Leadership Recognition Gala Wednesday 6/4/2025 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Conference Rooms A & B
Upper Level of the Campus Center
New Student Trustee Affirmed Into Office Monday 6/9/2025 6:00 PM Board Room
District Office
Foothill College
New DASG Senate Affirmed Into Office Wednesday 6/11/2025 4:00 PM Student Council Chambers (SCC)
Lower Level of the Campus Center
Return to the De Anza College Area by Saturday 9/6/2025    
Mandatory In-Person Training Monday 9/8/2025 - Friday 9/19/2025 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM TBD

* The dates for the complaint meeting and the posting of the election results are contingent upon the elections being complete on schedule and there being no delays brought about due to complaints. If there are no complaints or there are no appeals, then the results could be posted shortly after the Election Certification and Complaint Meeting.

To gain a better understanding of what the DASG Senate entails, it is strongly recommended that applicants attend at least one DASG Senate meeting.  DASG Senate meetings are Wednesdays at 4:00 PM. Check the agendas for location (https://www.deanza.edu/dasg/senate/meetings/).

To gain a better understanding of what the Inter Club Council (ICC) entails, it is strongly recommended that DASG Chair of ICC (ICC Chairperson) applicants attend at least one ICC meeting. ICC meetings are every other Wednesday at 1:30 PM. Check the agendas for location (https://www.deanza.edu/clubs/meetingdocuments/).

To gain a better understanding of what the Student Trustee position entails, it is strongly recommended that applicants attend at least one FHDA Board meeting. Meetings are usually on the 1st Monday of each month at 6:00 PM in the District Board Room. Check agenda for actual time and location (https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/fhda/Board.nsf/Public).

Mandatory Spring Quarter Requirements

  1. Attend at least two (2) Senate meetings
  2. Attend at least two (2) Internal DASG Committee meetings
  3. Attend at least one (1) External Shared Governance Committee meeting
  4. Attend Student Leadership Conference(s) or Workshop(s)
  5. Write a reflection on what you did and learned during spring quarter

Election Documents and Forms

Contact Us

Please email DASGElections@fhda.edu if you have any questions or need additional Information.

  • Tracy Chang, DASG Elections Commissioner
  • Wadi Lin Lei, DASG Chair of Administration
  • Dennis Shannakian, DASG Advisor
  • Maritza Arreola, DASG Advisor
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