General Meeting Information
Date: February 19,
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 826 0620 3899
- Passcode: 680968
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM
Call to Order
- Luca Paliska
4:00 PM
Roll Call
- Maliah Kenoly
4:01 PM
Approval of Minutes
- February 12, 2025 (amend for Anish's attendance)
- Senators
4:02 PM
Public Comments
- All
4:07 PM
Budgeter's Comments
Please Note: This segment of the meeting is reserved for 2024-2025 DASG Budget Requestors to comment on their requests. Each program/account, not individual person, will be allowed up to two (2) minutes maximum to speak on their own funding request.
- All
4:12 PM
Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
4:17 PM
Senate Announcements
- Senators
4:22 PM
Student Trustee Announcements
- Iris Li
4:27 PM
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- Senators
4:32 PM
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- Senators
4:37 PM
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of Position Swap – Chair of Administration & Elections Commissioner
2. Aura Ozturk will be appointed as the Elections Commissioner
3. Wadi Lin Lei will be appointed as the Chair of Administration
4. Appoint Victor Pham to the academic senate
5. Remove Aura Ozturk from the academic senate
6. Remove Victor Pham from the Guided Pathways Core Team
7. Appoint Dariga Burkhanova to the Guided Pathways Core Team
8. Remove Van Nguyen from RAPP
9. Appoint Van Nguyen to the Guided Pathways Core Team
10. Appoint Van Nguyen to the college planning team
11. Remove Lauren Hartono from the college planning team
12. Remove Lauren Hartono from the Guided Pathways Core Team
13. Appoint Lauren Hartono to the General Education Committee
14. Appoint Tracy Chang to the General Education Committee
15. Appoint Kyle Krawez to RAPP.
16. Appoint Yinwa Yung to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC)
- Senators
4:38 PM
Business Item 1
Programs Committee Code Changes
This item is to discuss changes to the Programs Committee Code.
DASG Programs Code - Proposed Changes 2024-2025
Time: 15 minutes
- Shiqi Wang
4:53 PM
Business Item 2
Environmental Sustainability Committee Code Changes
This item is to discuss changes to the Environmental Sustainability Committee Code.
DASG Environmental Sustainability Code - Proposed Changes
Time: 15 minutes
- Environmental Sustainability Committee
5:08 PM
Business Item 3
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 46 (DASG Student Representation Fund) - Second (2nd) Vote
This item is to discuss and approve the allocations for the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 46 (DASG Student Representation Fund) totaling $85,123.49.
Time: 60 minutes
- Finance Committee
6:08 PM
Business Item 4
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - First (1st) Vote
This item is to discuss and approve the allocations for the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) totaling $1,355,566.98.
Time: 60 minutes
- Finance Committee
7:08 PM Public Comments
- All
7:13 PM Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
7:18 PM Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Prospective Senators
7:23 PM Adjournment
- Luca Paliska
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Luca called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM.
Roll Call
# Last First Present Late Absent Online Left Early Excused 1 Paliska Luca X 2 Ozturk Aura X 3 Sharma Aditya X 4 Bravo Katia X 5 Hon Veronica X 6 Wang Shiqi X 7 Ozaki Michi X 8 Huang Jin X 9 Li Iris X 10 Abukhater Rami X 11 Burkhanova Dariga X 12 Chu Ryan X (4:08) 14 Hartono Lauren X 16 Kim Minseo X 18 Ku Javin X 19 Lei Wadi Lin X 21 Madrid Joshua X 22 Min Jin Gi X 24 Nguyen Van Loc X 25 Pham Victor X 26 Shaikh Fatima Zehra X 27 Shamarao Anish X 28 Teng Yan Ming X 29 Van Hoa X 30 Estrada Nakamatsu Matsuko X 31 Aklilu Mahder X 32 Washington (Truong) Lia (Nhi) X 33 Yung Yin Wa X 34 Krawez Kyle X 35 Chang Tracy X
Approval of Minutes
- Aditya motioned to approve the minutes for February 12, 2025 after amending for Anish's attendance.
- Katia seconded the motion, motion passed.
Public Comments
- Van mentioned the importance of having prior finance committee knowledge for budget deliberations.
- Ann: Friday-Sunday DASG Marketing
- Shiqi: Happening next Friday, talent show will be taking place; forms will be submitted soon.
- La Voz: Question about order for budgeter's comments.
Budgeter's Comments
- Budgeter's comments were made (in person/virtual).
- In Person: Dayna (Mascot Program), Xitlaly (La Voz)
- Virtual: Charles Van Meurs (Men of Color)
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: Special Allocations should be used at backup money for the new year; Special Allocations is not accessible during fall due to not having meetings; puts a strain on programs requesting funds.
Senate Announcements
- Aura: Debate session for president candidates.
- Yin Wa: SSCCC will be holding a conference in early April to attend.
Student Trustee Announcements- None.
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- ASFC, EAC - California Assembly Bill provided updates.
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- SRE met to discuss budget request as well as the program liasion positions,
- Marketing: included translated posts to increase range of languages for accessibility.; general elections debate next tuesday.
- Administration: met to discuss positions and candidates.
- Programs met on Tuesday, two ongoing projects including the DeStress Event. Talent Show planning.
Consent Calendar
- Aditya moved to approve the consent calendar, Aura seconded the motion; motion passed.
Business Item 1
Programs Committee Code Changes
- Aditya moved to move business item 1 until after business item 3 and 4.
- Discussion took place; Aditya retracted motion.
- Shiqi presented the item which includes proposed changes. (Green = changes, Red = Removal)
- Ryan moved to end discussion; motion passed.
Business Item 2
Environmental Sustainability Committee Code Changes
- Michi and Dariga presented the item.
- Discussion took place on the proposed changes withim the ES Code changes.
- Ryan moved to end discussion, Aditya seconded the motion; motion passed.
Business Item 3
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 46 (DASG Student Representation Fund) - Second (2nd) Vote
- Aditya gave a general overview of the uses for the account; student leadership conferences and SSCCC.
- Dennis mentioned that not having separate accounts allows for more flexibility given that we do not have official details of the next year's general assembly meetings.
- Maritza mentioned that advisors are researching alternative conferences (often more expensive but with high impact).
- Katia moved to approve the Fund 46 Budget for 2025-2026 year.
- Aura seconded the motion, motion passed.
Business Item 4
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - First (1st) Vote
- IMPACT AAPI finance committee amount was recommended.
- La Voz gave more context for each budget request category including student payroll
and printing.
- The request is triple the budget than was allocated last year. Discussion over how much to keep in special allocations for next year to preserve the integrity of funds for the upcoming years. (will not have covid relief funds in the long term)
- Goal is to invest in professional services to increase revenue.
- Mahder mentioned the importance of advocating for student payroll.
- Kyle proposed suggested amount for each object code of La Voz's budget request including $2,000 for student payroll, $31 for Hourly Benefits, $0 for food, $8700 for printing, $3,000 for Professional Services, $4500 for Domestic Conference and Travel with a total of $18,271 rather than $10,000.
- Clarification on the option for stipends vs. scholarships were made. Stipends are not permitted.
- Rami moved to extend discussion by 2 hours, Kyle seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Unofficial vote for who wants to approve the full amount for professional services and the majority voted to do so.
- An unofficial vote was taken on whether to fund the full amount for Conference and Travel; majority agreed to do so.
- An unofficial vote was taken on whether to fund the full amount printing; majoroty agreed to do so.
- Katia motioned to cut $8,500 from special allocations, Aura seconded the motion, motion passed.
- Van motioned to approve $8,500 for 2025-2026, Wadi seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Matsuko motioned to recess for 10 minutes.
- Discussion took place on Office of Outreach for the Men of Color Program.
- Discussion took place over whether to fund the field trip expenses for MOC; two field trips per year.
- Unofficial vote taken on whether to fund full amount for field trips; majority agreed to do so.
- Aura motioned to cut $24,877 from special allocations.
- Wadi seconded the motion, discussion took place.
- Javin moved to lay the question on the table for the Office of Outreach. Aura seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Brief lunch period took place.
- Aura proposed the amount be adjusted to $4500 rather than the original request of $1500.
- Aura motioned to cut $3,000 from Special Allocations, Ryan seconded the motion, discussion took place; motion passed.
- Aura motioned to add $3,000 to the DASG Elections account; motion passed.
- Katia presented the amended SRE Committee budget request; increase food object code of $1,000. See slides here.
- Katia motioned to remove $500 from special allocations, Aura seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Van motioned to add $500 to the SRE account for the 2025-2026 year; Joshua seconded the motion, motion passed.
- Kyle motioned to extend discussion for 1 hour; seconded by Rami; motion passed.
- Discussion over M@DA, DASG AND ICC Scholarships took place.
- Discussion over M@DA Scholarship and whether or not to increase the amounts took place.
- Discussion of whether or not to increase or decrease ICC scholarship amounts took place.
- Information from ICC is needed in order to move forward with proposals at the next senate meeting.
- Majority unofficial vote taken on whether or not M@DA should have scholarship increase; majority agreed to increase.
- Ryan motioned to table this item for next week; Aditya seconded; motion passed.
Public Comments
- Luca: Thank you for sticking around so long and working hard on the business items; open to feedback and any additional thoughts.
- Mahder: Black History month event next week;
- Fatima: Documentary screening for Palestine tomorrow from 12-2 in the conference rooms.
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: Please make sure to sign in on the sign in sheets, take food home but not sodas so we can us them for the next meeting. Thank you to Dennis for the food purchase.
Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Bryan Hernandez Cruz - President
- Caitlin Lam - ES Chair
Aye Min Htike - Chair of ICC
Vincent Shao - Chair of ICC
- Luca adjourned the meeting at 8:51 PM.