General Meeting Information
Date: March 5,
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 826 0620 3899
- Passcode: 680968
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM
Call to Order
- Luca Paliska
4:00 PM
Roll Call
- Maliah Kenoly
4:01 PM
Approval of Minutes
- February 26, 2025
- Senators
4:02 PM
Public Comments
- All
4:07 PM
Budgeter's Comments
2025-2026 DASG Budgeter Comments Sign-up Form
Please Note: This segment of the meeting is reserved for 2024-2025 DASG Budget Requestors to comment on their requests. Each program/account, not individual person, will be allowed up to two (2) minutes maximum to speak on their own funding request.
- All
4:12 PM
Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
4:17 PM
Senate Announcements
- Senators
4:22 PM
Student Trustee Announcements
- Iris Li
4:27 PM
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- Senators
4:32 PM
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- Senators
4:37 PM
Consent Calendar
1. Remove Aura Ozturk as Elections Commissioner
2. Appoint Christian Tiongson as an Intern for Administration Committee
- Senators
4:38 PM
Business Item 1
Resolution Declaring the Foothill-De Anza Community College District to be a Sanctuary District
This item is to consider supporting student efforts in advocating for a Sanctuary District resolution to protect and support undocumented students.
Time: 20 Minutes
A - Shaila Ramos-Garcia
- Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu
4:58 PM
Business Item 2
DASG Code of Conduct Changes
This item is to review and discuss changes made to the DASG Code of Conduct.
Time: 20 minutes
I/D - Wadi Lin Lei
5:18 PM
Business Item 3
Scholarship Compensation Amounts Discussion
This item is to review and discuss the current methodology used to determine the current scholarship compensation amounts.
Time: 40 minutes
- Luca Paliska
5:58 PM
Business Item 4
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - SECOND (2ND) VOTE*
This item is to present the allocations for the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) totaling $1,355,566.98.
2025-2026 DASG General Budget (Fund 41)
Time: 120 minutes
- Finance Committee
7:58 PM Public Comments
- All
8:03 PM Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
8:08 PM Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Prospective Senators
8:13 PM Adjournment
- Luca Paliska
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call to Order
- Luca called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM.
Roll Call
# Last First Present Late Absent Online Left Early Excused 1 Paliska Luca X 2 Ozturk Aura X 3 Sharma Aditya X 4 Bravo Katia X 5 Hon Veronica X 6 Wang Shiqi X 7 Ozaki Michi X 8 Huang Jin X 9 Li Iris X 10 Abukhater Rami X 11 Burkhanova Dariga X 12 Chu Ryan X (4:11) 14 Hartono Lauren X 16 Kim Minseo X 18 Ku Javin X (4:48 PM) 19 Lei Wadi Lin X 21 Madrid Joshua X 22 Min Jin Gi X 24 Nguyen Van Loc X 25 Pham Victor X 26 Shaikh Fatima Zehra X 27 Shamarao Anish X 28 Teng Yan Ming X 29 Van Hoa X (Out sick) 30 Estrada Nakamatsu Matsuko X 31 Aklilu Mahder X 32 Washington Lia X 33 Truong Nhi X (out sick) 34 Yung Yin Wa X (out sick) 35 Krawez Kyle X 36 Chang Tracy X
Approval of Minutes
- Aditya motioned to approve the minutes for February 19, 2025.
- Wadi seconded the motion, motion passed.
Public Comments
- Aura: Clarifying campaign expenses; have to be $100 for everything. You cannot excedd that amount even if using your own funds.
- La Voz: Xitlaly mentioned the campaigning posts available, specifically for Instagram -- available for $15.00 to post candidate campaign content. Email and/or Instagram/Discord.
- Jin: ICC info sessions happening this week as well as Chair positions.
- Shiqi: Talent Show Auditions are this Friday; link to sign up is in the senate chat on Discord.
Budgeter's Comments
- In Person: Xitlaly Martinez - La Voz
- Online: None
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: Submit reimbursements in a timely manner;
- Dayna: Flea Market this Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Senate Announcements
- None
Student Trustee Announcements- None
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- Tracy: General Education met on 2/21, went over criteria for each area and revised the statements for each area.
- Jin Gi: Updated online AI Usage and Instructions.
- Minseo: Upcoming outreach event tpday from 5-7pm.
- Victor: Academic Senate met on Monday, went through tthe hiring committee for the Humanities instructors; went over equity rubric and the document report.
- Ryan: Presdient Torres did a presentation on about non credit Curriculum.
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- SRE: By Law changes require 3 meetings two Information/Discussion meetings and one to include an Action item.
- Marketing: Revising Tik Tok account.
Consent Calendar
- Aditya moved to approve the consent calendar; seconded by Aura; motion passed.
Business Item 1
Programs Committee Code Changes
- Shiqi presented the item.
- Changing the name of programs to events committee, ES removed from the code. No questions from last senate meeting.
- Aditya motioned to approve the changes made to the Programs Committee Code; Matusko seconded the motion; motion passed.
Business Item 2
Environmental Sustainability Committee Code Changes
- Michi presented the item.
- ES Committee Code is the same last week with exception to a couple updates; DASG Sustainability Officer as a non voting member.
- Changed title of Programs committee to ecents
- Aura motioned to approve the changes to the ES Committee Code Changes; Aditya seconded the motion; motion passed.
Business Item 3
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - FIRST (1ST) VOTE*
- Men of Color program updated budget request that does not include payroll.
- Aura motioned to cut $10,000 from Special Allocations; Matsuko seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Katia motioned to move $10,000 from Special Allocations to the Men of Color Field Trip object code, Matsuko seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Maritza gave a brief overview of context for ICC and Mentors positions; emphasized the importance of tracking how much time you spend in each of your roles.
- General consensus was taken on whether or not scholarship amounts should be decreased as well as whether or not discussion should continue on the item.
- Discussion took place on the workload of ICC Chair positions.
- Aura motioned to end discussion on ICC position workloads.
- General consensus on ICC scholarships and whether they should be increased, remain the same or decrease.
- Suggestion to make the scholarship compensations need based.
- Aura proposed increasing $200.00 to increase the scholarship amounts for DASG Chairs.
- Aura moved to end discussion; Matsuko seconded the motion; motion passed.
- Yan Ming moved to approve the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 in the amount of $1,355,566.98; Kyle seconded the motion; Van objected the motion.
Motion to approve the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 in the amount of $1,355,566.98 # Last First Vote 1 Paliska Luca - 2 Ozturk Aura Yes 3 Sharma Aditya Yes 4 Bravo Katia Yes 5 Hon Veronica - 6 Wang Shiqi Yes 7 Ozaki Michi - 8 Huang Jin Yes 9 Li Iris Yes 10 Abukhater Rami Yes 12 Chu Ryan Yes 14 Hartono Lauren Yes 16 Kim Minseo Yes 18 Ku Javin Yes 19 Lei Wadi Lin Yes 20 Madrid Joshua Yes 21 Min Jin Gi Yes 22 Nguyen Van Loc No 23 Pham Victor Yes 24 Shamarao Anish Yes 25 Teng Yan Ming Yes 26 Estrada Nakamatsu Matsuko Yes 27 Aklilu Mahder Yes 28 Washington Lia - 29 Krawez Kyle Yes 30 Chang Tracy Yes Totals: No - 1, Yes - 28 - Motion passed
Public Comments
- Luca: Thank you for hanging in there during the senate meeting.
- Matsuko: Please watch your tone when you speak to someone; try to make up for it next time.
- Aura: Want to thank the finance committee for their hard work!
- Joshua: Sing Happy Birthday to Katia!
- Rami: Flea Market this Saturday! Be there or be square!
- Shiqi: Talent Show Auditions this Friday.
- Javin: Opportunity to win $500 -- this Friday.
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: Look forward to working with you all to compile the information we have for the DASG scholarship compensation.
Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Maurice Growney IV - Student Trustee
- Elora Zhu - Student Trustee
- Shuhong Wang - Chair of Programs
- Luca adjourned the meeting at 5:42 PM.