Coyote Valley Landscape Institute at De Anza College
Read about the project:
Safe Passage: A Wildlife Linkage for the Highway 101 Corridor
Watch our short documentary film:
For more information please contact:
Our Wildlife Corridor Stewardship Team has been studying wildlife movement from east to west and west to east through Coyote Valley, documenting coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, deer, badger and other wildlife movement
on a weekly basis for more than a year.
Our wildlife team has been observing tule elk along Coyote Ridge and surrounding east hills over the last few weeks! At least 25 tule elk on our last count!
Our bird survey team has identified over 167 species of birds in Coyote Valley including 17 species of
raptors (including Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, Short-eared Owls, Ferruginous Hawks,
Falcons) and much more! The bird survey team identified a Crested Caracara on Friday,
March 7 flying over the "core" of the corridor off Laguna Avenue! Learn valuable wildlife
tracking skills!
Wildlife Corridor Species
- Bird species: 171
- Mammal species: 24+
- Coming soon: Plants, amphibians, reptiles, fish, seasonal wetlands and watershed protection!