General Meeting Information

Date: February 26, 2024
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Location: Via Zoom*

*Contact the Admin. for Zoom Information

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Review/Approve Notes from October 16, 2023 meeting A DaSilva
    2:35-2:45 Campus Center Meditation Room Update I Lockwood
    2:45-2:55 Campus Center - New Food Pantry Location A Lockwood
    2:55-3:05 Outdoor Bicycle Storage Project I Lockwood
    3:05-3:15 Dining Services RFP Update I Grey
    3:15-3:25 Information Sharing/Quick News I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Campus Center Advisory Board

    DRAFT Notes

    February 26, 2024

    Review/Approve notes October 16, 2023

    The group reviewed and approved the notes.

    Campus Center Meditation Room Update

    The Campus Center’s meditation room needs an update, and Lockwood is assembling a focus group to collect ideas and suggestions for its redesign. The goal is to create a space accessible to all students seeking a peaceful environment for meditation. Lockwood will extend invitations to College Life, who will include ICC and DASG. Additionally, signage will be installed, storage areas and an area rug.

    Campus Center New Food Pantry Location

    Floor plans and photographs of the lower level of the campus center were shared. Before the onset of Covid-19 the Le Café coffee shop occupied the space adjacent to the EOPS office and the Office of College Life. The space has been vacant for several years. The college would like to repurpose this space by relocating the food pantry currently housed in the Outreach office within the RSS building. The current location of the Food Pantry is inadequate in size, prompting the proposal to shift the pantry to this available area, providing a larger more accessible space. The plan involves a minor refresh of the area before relocating the pantry to better serve approximately 300 students.

    The proposal received positive feedback from the group, with no objections.

    Outdoor Bicycle Storage Project

    Lockwood is launching an outdoor bike storage project and forming a focus group to assess the campus community’s bicycle usage. Images showing various bike storage solutions on campus were shared. Measure C funds will be utilized to introduce permanent storage options, potentially including bike lockers, in locations beneficial to all. Lockwood encouraged everyone to share this information among the constituent groups. Individuals interested in contributing ideas should contact Lockwood. The first meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2024.

    There was a question if the proposed storage lockers will have any impact on the DASG Bike Corral. At this time, it is unknown if the bike corral will come down or be changed because of the Flint Center and A Quad situation. College Life shared they would like a contingency plan for the 73 bicycles in their area if the bike corral is taken out of service. It was mentioned there will be ample time to relocate the bikes if the need arises due to the possibility of the bike corral being taken out of service due to construction.

    Dining Services RFP Update

    Information regarding the Dining Services RFP (Request for Proposal) was shared, highlighting a history of operational revenue loss over recent years. The college decided to proceed with an RFP (request for proposal) which had gone out a few weeks ago. The RFP would have brought in a company to operate Dining Services and pay the college a commission on the sales within the operation.

    Since 2009 the college has raised concerns about the long-term viability due to rising costs in all areas of operations.  This information has been part of the college program reviews, has been shared in governance meetings and approved at College Council.

    The status and the details of dining services operation changes was discussed at the February 12, 2024, Board of Trustees meeting.

    Dining Services Information Item – History of Financial Concerns with De Anza College Dining Services Operations.

    Dining Services anticipates a $600k to $700k loss this year. For now, Dining Services will remain open on campus.

    A question was asked if the change is permanent or for one additional year. The timeline is currently unknown.

    Information Sharing/Quick News

    There was no information sharing for the meeting.


    Name (Original Name)

    Duration (Minutes)

    Sally Gore


    Li, Chun Ho


    Leondre Lee


    Tina Lockwood


    Tina Lockwood


    Patrick & Nora 1404 Sagewood


    Dr. Julie's OtterPilot




    Manny DaSilva


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Manny DaSilva




    Maritza Arreola


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Maritza Arreola


    Dr. Julie's OtterPilot


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker


    Leondre Lee


    Pam Grey


    Pam Grey


    Leondre Lee


    Dennis Shannakian


    Dennis Shannakian


    Leondre Lee


    Patrick Gannon


    Leondre Lee


    Patrick Gannon


    Leondre Lee


    Leondre Lee


    Leondre Lee


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