Meeting Notes - November 28, 2017
Approve Meeting Notes
The group reviewed and approved the notes from the October 31, 2017 meeting.
Review 1st Quarter Report
Susan Cheu presented and reviewed the 1st quarter report with the group. Enrollment is still flat however; the good news is enrollment for the fall quarter did not go down significantly. Non-resident tuition is up slightly. Salaries are the same and there is still an $8.37m deficit.
Early reports from Sacramento indicate there will be no significant changes. However, scheduled maintenance funds from the state did take a hit.
Cheu reviewed the fund balance summary and reviewed the projected ending fund balance as of June 30, 2018.
Budget Reduction Update
Senior staff decided that since the PBT’s report directly to College Council, it has been decided the PBT’s would not present to the Campus Budget Team as it may slow down the process.
There will be a District budget town halls coming soon at Central Services, De Anza, Foothill and the Sunnyvale Center.
Guided Pathways
Karen Chow presented The Guided Pathways program and shared with the group the power point presentation from the CCCC office. Guided Pathways is a statewide initiative that began at the national level. There are four pillars to the program.
- Create clear curricular pathways to employment and further education.
- Help students choose and enter their pathway.
- Help students stay on their path.
- Ensure that learning is happening with intentional outcomes.
The first self-assessment is due by Dec. 21, 2018.
Quick News
Karen Chow shared she is on a statewide work force group for AB705, an amendment that will require community colleges to maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level course work in English and mathematics within a one-year time frame. In addition, use the placement of students into English and mathematics courses in order to achieve the goal, one or more of the following: high school coursework, high school grades and high school GPA. The group needs to determine clarification regarding completing transfer level. Chow used the example of a student beginning a basic skills math class would take more than 2 years to complete the course work to get to a transfer level.
Present: Cheu, Chow, Gore, Kirkpatrick, Varela
Notes: Gore