General Meeting Information
Date: November 19,
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 1:30 p.m. Review Agenda & Notes from Nov. 5, 2020 I Booye/Mieso 1:35 p.m. SSPBT Priorities for 2020-21 I/D/A Mieso 2:00 p.m. CAS Standards - Next Steps I LeBleu-Burns/Mieso 2:10 p.m. SSPBT Charge Review - cont. I/D Booye 2:40 p.m. Program & Member Updates I/D All 2:55 p.m. Good of the Order I All 3:00 p.m. Adjourn *Please contact the admin for Zoom meeting information
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Attending Members: Alexander, Balducci, Booye (co-chair), Glapion, Kirkpatrick, Kobata, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso (co-chair), Rafli (DASB), Shively, Tran (DASB)
Guest: Veronica Avila
Meeting Items
Minutes Approval
There were no amendments to the previous meeting notes or to the agenda.
SSPBT Priorities for 2020-21
The committee reviewed the priorities from last year and developed the new “areas of focus” for 2020-21:
- Student Equity, Retention, and Student Success
- Guided Pathways
- Student Centered Funding Formula
CAS Standards - the next steps
A meeting was held with Dawn Lee Tu (Professional Development) and Veronica Avila (SSLO Coordinator), and LeBleu-Burns to discuss the next steps in the plan to implement the CAS Standards.
- Clear goals were developed:
- Complete an assessment of services
- Determine areas of strengths and areas that need improvement
- Resource allocation process; determine the gaps or overlaps in services
- Are the programs effective in supporting our students with an equity lens
- A timeline for review; mapping the steps
- Team structure
- Training
- Sharing information with the different areas
Tran asked how the teams would be selected, including students.
- LeBleu-Burns responded that some students on the teams would come from the programs
themselves, such as EOPS, but others would be campus wide. They would need assistance
from DASB for these students and Avila mentioned that they would look into compensation
for student participation.
Glapion asked about the instrument for CAS. Does it align with the accreditation standards and if needed, can it be adapted?
- LeBleu-Burns said that CAS are actually national standards that are recognized and
connected to the accreditation process.
Avila commented that the CAS Standards are more comprehensive than the current program review and more inclusive. She wanted to remind everyone that she does group workshops so please contact her if you would like to do a workshop.
LeBleu-Burns said they are now in the middle of Step A: Plan the Process and will be working on Step B: Assemble and Educate the Self-Assessment Team. The accreditation standards will also be reviewed to see how they align.
SSPBT Charge Review (cont)
Booye continued the discussion and review of the SSPBT charge utilizing these questions:
- Do we all understand our charge as written in the same way?
- Are we doing what is in the charge?
- Does the charge need to be updated or revised?
The first and second charge were brought up for review:
- Facilitate the effective, efficient, and timely Student Services program review, annual planning, and budgeting processes
- Develop a comprehensive annual plan for Student Services with clear goals, outcomes,
budget projections, and a year-end review and evaluation process
LeBleu-Burns commented that the CAS Standards will assist with being more effective and efficient for program reviews and that the committee doesn’t do much annual planning. She mentioned that the budgeting process tends to be a focus when reductions need to be made but would also benefit from the CAS Standards in regards to the resource allocations.
- Each charge needs to be unpacked and maybe SSPBT should do a retreat to go through each charge and the CAS Standards.
Avila mentioned that this year there will be no mandatory program review and it will be a reflection year.
- Glapion asked if there was a template for the reflection questions.
- The last reflection from 2015 was reviewed and Mieso said at the next SSPBT meeting
the group will review the reflection questions for this year.
- The last reflection from 2015 was reviewed and Mieso said at the next SSPBT meeting
the group will review the reflection questions for this year.
Mieso also mentioned that the collegewide review of our current shared governance groups that is currently underway may potentially lead to changes in our shared governance structure this year. At this time, it will make more sense for SSPBT to focus on the CAS Standards and wait on the charge review until we know more about the broader shared governance conversation.
- From the survey, many felt the separate PBTs keeps everything siloed and that a joint
PBT may be more effective moving forward. This will be one of the considerations of
the campus shared governance review process.
Program & Member Updates
- Tran reminded the group that the DASB Townhall was scheduled for this Friday from
4–6:00 pm. It will be an opportunity for students to voice their concerns, ask questions,
and Senior Staff to engage with students. Following the townhall, a student resource
presentation will take place as well. Rafli reported that the DASB general election
to choose representatives for next year is now moving forward.
- Avila said this will be a year of reflection and that they are in the process of planning
the annual convocation with the date still to be determined.
- Avila also wanted to mentioned that there will be a Mental Health Awareness session
before the DASB Townhall from 2–4:00 pm that is being hosted by the Social Sciences
and Humanities Division and the LEAD Program.
- Avila also wanted to mentioned that there will be a Mental Health Awareness session
before the DASB Townhall from 2–4:00 pm that is being hosted by the Social Sciences
and Humanities Division and the LEAD Program.
- Shively said that FA is waiting for the winter enrollment figures for classes and
the budget update due from the State in January.
- Kobata reported on behalf of Classified Senate and they have put in a request to be
included in the CCCCO Consultation Council membership. An Equity Retreat has been
scheduled for December 4th and they are still looking to fill one seat on SSPBT.
- Glapion reported on behalf of Academic Senate and said they are continuing the review
of the constitution and bylaws in the next Nov. 23rd meeting. The amendments should
be finalized by the winter or spring quarter.
- They are holding public comments on athletics and discussion on social distancing for conditioning, etc.
- They are continuing to review the new Administrative Procedure 4235 regarding Credit for Prior Learning to update the Board Policy.
- The College Planning Committee is in the process of updating their goals and actions
- Kirkpatrick said there wasn’t anything pertinent to report from ACE to SSPBT at this
- Alexander reported that the CSU transfer application deadline was extended to Dec.
- Mandy reported that their Financial Aid workshops for students are now available on
their website and next week they should be launching their drop-in appointments. The
CARES Act distribution continues as well.
- LeBleu-Burns said that student mental health is a concern right now with the continued
isolation and stress. Psych Services are available to students and they are also holding
group sessions as well.
- Facilities Master Plan Committee is continuing to look at the use of areas on campus.
They are reviewing the new proposed event center and a survey regarding the facilities.
- Facilities Master Plan Committee is continuing to look at the use of areas on campus.
They are reviewing the new proposed event center and a survey regarding the facilities.
Good of the Order
Members did not have any statements or observations to note at this time.