General Meeting Information
Date: October 21,
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions I Mieso 1:40 p.m. Review Meeting Notes from June 17, 2021 I/A Mieso 1:45 p.m. Review of SSPBT Charge & Membership I Mieso 2:05 p.m. Selection of SSPBT Co-Chair I/D/A Mieso 2:20 p.m. Faculty Positions I/D Mieso 2:30 p.m. Early Alert Presentation I/D Retention Team 2:45 p.m. Member & Program Updates I All 3:00 p.m. Adjourn *Please contact the admin for Zoom meeting information
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Attending Members: Balducci, Galoyan, Kirkpatrick, Kobata, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso (co-chair), Teja (DASG), Tran (DASG), Yi-Baker
Guests: Robert Alexander, Roland Amit (Teamsters), Vins Chacko, Sushini Chand, Patricia Del Rio
Meeting Items
Minutes Approval
There were no amendments to the previous meeting notes or to the agenda.
Welcome and Introductions
Mieso welcomed everyone back and the new members that have joined this year. The members then introduced themselves and their role on the SSPBT committee.
Review of SSPBT Charge and Membership
Mieso reviewed the SSPBT Charge, the current Membership with the committee and the Mission:
As part of the college's governance structure, the SSPBT provides leadership and coordination for the development and implementation of Student Services planning and budget processes that support institutional strategic goals and priorities and the college's Educational Master Plan, Facilities Master Plan and Technology Master Plan.
Selection of SSPBT Co-Chair
The committee opened up nominations for a new SSPBT Co-Chair and Lisa Mandy was voted in as the new Co-Chair for the 2021-2023 term.
Faculty Positions
The state has provided some new full-time funding for faculty in the amount of $2,634,773 for the District. The allocation for the two colleges has not been determined yet and the traditional 60/40 for DA and FH still needs to be confirmed. If we do receive 60% that would be about $1,580,864 and potentially up to 15 faculty positions for De Anza that would include benefits.
The language from the state does not specify that the faculty positions are for instruction only and we expect that Student Services will receive some of the new funding. SSPBT is moving forward with the process of ranking positions, similar to what IPBT is currently doing. Mieso proposed a small working group be formed to develop a template and a rubric that includes how the position supports equity and other student success outcomes. Once SSPBT identifies the position recommendations, they would go to College Council.
A timeline has not been defined but Mieso suggested that the working group present a draft template at the next meeting. With the finalization of the template, we would have the proposals ready by the last meeting of the calendar year to vote on. The recommendations would then go to College Council in early winter quarter with hiring beginning later in the quarter.
Balducci inquired if these positions include the SRP positions that are now opening up and Mieso responded that they do not and that this is new money for faculty positions. The same process that the working group develops for the new faculty positions can be used when the SRP positions are reviewed later this year.
It was mentioned that data would also be needed to define the need for these new positions. Another Student Survey will be going out to students in the fall quarter that will include on/off campus information, basic needs and service preferences. Equity data is available and Institutional Research also has data available for review.
The working group formed includes Balducci (chair), LeBleu-Burns, Galoyan, Yi-Baker, and Kirkpatrick.
Early Alert Presentation
Patricia Del Rio and Sushini Chand from the Retention Team presented on the
new Early Alert Program that was initiated this fall quarter.Early Alert is designed for the early identification of students who may be experiencing academic difficulty, and to connect these students with campus resources that can provide the appropriate interventions needed for their success. This is an internal method of communication and is more proactive
way to assist students who may be struggling.The Early Alert tile can be found in your MyPortal account and it is a way for faculty, staff, and administrators to refer students who may need some assistance or just communicate with them to let them know they are doing well. Chand went through the referral form with the committee. If the student is part of a specific program, that program will receive a notification and if not, Retention Services will reach out to the student.
- Concerns and Referrals include:
- Absences, difficulty due to personal concerns, in danger of failing, low test scores and/or grades, missed/late assignment, academic support: tutoring and workshops, financial Aid, and food, housing, basic needs.
- Services include:
- Retention Support Services, Basic Needs, Financial Aid, and Student Success Center.
- A “kudos” to the student can be sent to the student as well to “keep up the good work.”
Mieso asked how Early Alert has been received so far and they have received 20-25 entries from faculty since the program was launched this quarter. It has been well received and many like the simplicity of the form.
Tran wanted to know what the student will see when someone submits a referral. Chand explained that the message box to the service is private but everything else will be seen by the student. The Early Alert Guide has examples of these messages so everyone can see what the messages will look like.
Member & Program Updates
- Mandy reported that the Bookstore transfer is taking place this month and to review
the website for more information. All book vouchers will now come through Financial Aid who will
work with the new company Follett.
- LeBleu-Burns wanted to remind everyone that Psychological Services is available to students online for individual appointments, group chats, and workshops.
- Kirkpatrick reported that the Library was open to students the first two weeks of
the quarter to pick-up materials. Requests can still be made to pick-up items through
their website with an appointment.
- They also have computer use and study space available in LC 113 Monday – Thursday
from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on a drop-in basis.
- They also have computer use and study space available in LC 113 Monday – Thursday
from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on a drop-in basis.
- Galoyan reported that the Food Pantry is open for in-person service and has served
over 100 students so far this quarter and to check their webpage[BROKEN LINK] to get more information and set up an appointment.
- Yi-Baker reported that the Office of College Life will be open 4 days a week in December
to assist students who will need to come to campus to pick up their VTA SmartPass
Clipper card in person since the digital version will be expiring this quarter on
December 31st. Communication will be going out to these students to let them know
as well.
- Mieso wanted to mention that many areas in Student Services have on-campus services
available and the dates and times can be found on the Guide to Fall Quarter.
- Yi-Baker reported that Academic Senate is set to discuss proctoring software that
includes products like Proctorio on Monday’s meeting agenda.
- Concerns and Referrals include: