![placeholder default text](/languagearts/images/lead2013ceremony.jpg)
Language Arts faculty and students at a LEAD ceremony honoring mentors and transfer students.
Welcome to Language Arts!
Our programs prepare students to communicate more effectively throughout their education, in their workplace and in their lives. We offer a wide variety of classes and services that meet the needs of students from every background and skill level – and we are committed to helping students achieve their educational goals.
Academic Departments
Programs and Partners
The De Anza College Language Arts Division has the largest faculty of any academic
division in the
Foothill-De Anza Community College District. We are proud to bring our expertise to
numerous programs, events and support services for our students.
- Cross Cultural Partners
- Counseling – English Performance Success
- Language Arts Computer Lab
- LEAD (Latinx Empowerment at De Anza)
- LinC (Learning in Communities)
- Listening and Speaking Center
- Writing and Reading Center
Resources for Students
- Admissions and Records
- Assessment Center (Assessment and Placement)
- Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS)
- Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS)
- Financial Aid
- Learning Communities
- Online Education
- Prerequisite Clearance Requests
- Mental Health and Wellness Center
- Transfer Center
- VIDA (Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action)
Resources for Instructors
Course Syllabi for Language Arts
The link below will send you to a search engine where you can find syllabi from Language Arts.