Flint Garage to Close Monday, June 27
The Flint Garage will be closed for renovations including seismic upgrades beginning
Monday, June 27. The garage is scheduled to reopen in fall 2017.
Parking for summer session will be accommodated in all other lots.
For fall quarter, the following measures will help to compensate for the loss of parking spaces.
1. "Drop & Go," facilitated parking in designated areas
- Students will drop off cars on the baseball field. Enter through Staff Parking Lot C1, between the baseball field and the Environmental Study Area.
- Faculty and staff parking will drop off cars on the soccer field. Enter through Parking Lot C.
- The wait for car retrieval at the drop-and-go lots is to be 7 minutes or fewer. Drop-off hours will be 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pickup will be between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.
- See map for details
2. Additional designated student spots will be available through the restriping of the Stelling Garage and other lots.
3. As always, students have access to the VTA Eco Pass. The Eco Pass will be provided to all De Anza employees. More info to come.