De Anza College | students in front of VPAC

From the President

Our Unwavering Commitment to Equity

March 5, 2025

Dear Valued De Anza College Colleagues,

I appreciated seeing many of you during this past Monday’s town hall in the Campus Center, where Chancellor Lee Lambert, Foothill-De Anza Board President Peter Landsberger, your union leaders and I reaffirmed our district's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. 

I am writing to address the fears and anxieties experienced by our various employees and students in light of ongoing federal policy changes and affirm the following important message: De Anza College stands as a steadfast haven of safety, support, and belonging for every member of our community. As your president, please know you have my unwavering commitment to developing, nurturing and maintaining a diverse, inclusive community, where our students, faculty, classified professionals and administrators are assured that you belong here, we support you and will continue to champion you in the days ahead.

Our Board of Trustees, district leadership, and college senior staff remain committed to ensuring that each and every member of our community feels welcomed and safe on our campus, so that we may continue to engage in the important work of meeting the educational and support needs of our students. During this evolving time in our nation’s history, I ask us all to please remain united in our collective work to best serve all our students and one another, recognizing that each of us plays an important role in the work of the college, and respecting the multitude of approaches that each of us takes daily to ensure that we remain committed to our core mission of preserving diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility across our campus and throughout the district. We are privileged to accept 100% of the students that enroll at our college. Recognizing that some students come to us underserved by their previous educational experiences, we want to ensure that we provide all necessary support to help them achieve their goals and ensure that access to our programs and services are open to all students.

De Anza College will continue to take all necessary measures to vigilantly protect personal information from unlawful or unauthorized intrusion. The reinforcement of this message is especially important for our undocumented students, LGBTQ+ students, international students, and all the faculty and staff that are holding the anxiety of these turbulent times close while serving our students. Please know that there are available resources on campus and throughout the district should you or your students require it, including:

If you were unable to attend this past Monday’s town hall, I hope you might consider attending one of the upcoming sessions to hear more about our important work during this critical time:

  • Monday, March 17, 9-10 a.m. at Foothill College, Room 8338
  • Friday, March 21, 1-2 p.m. via Zoom (link will be shared through Outlook)

Our mission remains unchanged: to educate, protect, and nurture every individual who enters our campus. We do not just teach – we defend, we support, and we transform. Please know that you are seen, you are heard, you are valued, and you belong here. It is the compassion and courage of the people of De Anza College that sustain the college as a bedrock for this community.

Whatever the future holds, we will face it together with unwavering solidarity and commitment.

Thank you for your ongoing care for our students and for one another, 


Omar Torres, Ed.D.
President, De Anza College

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