This email was sent to all students who registered for spring quarter
May 23, 2023
Campus Climate Survey–Share Your Input
Dear Student,
We’d like to ask a few questions about your experience at De Anza, as part of a research study designed to help colleges find the best ways to make students feel welcome and supported on campus.
This survey will take only 10-15 minutes to complete. It was designed by a respected research organization, the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges. Your responses will help De Anza and other colleges around the state develop programs and resources for students like you.
Please complete the survey no later than Tuesday, June 6. Participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to share your name and contact information if you would like someone at De Anza to reach out to you about resources or assistance. (Your individual responses to other questions will not be shared.)
Please note: This survey is different from one about basic needs that some students received earlier this month. We hope you will complete this survey even if you already completed the other one.
Thank you for participating,
De Anza College