Equity: A Collegewide Priority
At De Anza College, we welcome students of all ages and backgrounds and connect with them, in their range of unique circumstances, to help them fulfill their dreams. We value and embrace the intellectual contributions of a diverse spectrum of people and cultures. Here are some of the offices and programs that help promote equity at the college.

Equity and Engagement Division
- The Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education sponsors educational and cultural activities to promote equity, social justice and academic success for all members of the De Anza community.
- Student Success and Retention Services is home to several Learning Communities, including First Year Experience, IMPACT AAPI, LEAD, Puente and Umoja.
- The Pride Center offers a safe, supportive and welcoming space for students across the gender and sexuality spectrum.
- The Student Success Center provides peer tutoring, academic workshops and other types of academic support.
- The Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action (VIDA) coordinates opportunities for service learning and meaningful participation in local, state and federal government decision-making.

Equity Action Council
- The Equity Action Council is a shared governance body with college-wide representation.
- The council helps facilitate efforts to carry out De Anza’s vision of equity, social justice and multicultural education – and in particular, the efforts of the Equity Office.

Student Equity Plan
- De Anza’s Student Equity and Achievement Plan for 2022-25 was developed under state law and is part of our commitment to improve student success rates so they will be comparably high for all racial, ethnic, gender and disability groups.
- The new "Equity Plan Re-Imagined" report will provide guidance on the development of a new Student Equity Plan in the fall.
- For more information, visit the Planning for Equity website.

Ethnic and Intercultural Studies
- Our ethnic studies programs have a special importance at De Anza: All students must take at least one course as a requirement for graduation with an AA or AS degree.
- This requirement stems from a recognition that every individual can benefit from the understanding to be gained from the courses in these areas: