What is MyPath?
MyPath is an online guide to help new students find the information they need to succeed at De Anza.
It’s like an electronic student handbook that breaks down important steps or tasks for new students – from applying for financial aid to creating an ed plan or getting a parking permit.
These steps are presented on a series of cards, each with links to specific pages of the college website where students can find more information or assistance.
Some students may see different cards, based on the information they provide in their application.
MyPath also shows students additional “resource cards” – each with information about an individual program or student service, with a brief description and a link for more information.
How Does It Work?
Every student who applies for admission receives an email from the college, with essential information including their CWID, how to register for classes, and how to connect with MyPath. (This begins with applications submitted on or after Aug. 10, 2020.)
Students should follow the steps in that email to log in to MyPath and start viewing cards. (Students should log in to MyPortal before visiting MyPath for the first time, as explained in the email, to ensure they will see the most relevant information.)
There’s also a MyPath card in MyPortal, so it's easy for students to find their way back to the MyPath site for a quick
review or reminder about the resources listed there.
The cards in MyPath are presented as a series of tasks to complete, but they are completely voluntary and students can absorb the information at their own pace. Students can skip ahead – or stop anytime and return later to where they left off.
What Should Students Know?
MyPath is completely optional, doesn’t cost anything and isn’t graded. It can be a valuable resource for new students who want to find their best path forward at De Anza – or just to learn about all the great programs and services that the college has to offer.
What Else?
MyPath is built on a platform developed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, but the information is compiled and maintained by De Anza College. If you have any questions, please contact De Anza's Enrollment Services Division or the Office of Communications.