Muwekma Ohlone
Horše Túuxi (hor-sh-eh troo-hee). This means like good day, hello and or welcome in the Chochenyo
Ohlone Language.
Office of Equity staff members humbly work in unceded Ohlone territory, here in De
Anza College also known as the South Bay and or Silicon Valley. We live among the
original caretakers and stewards, The Muwékma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay
Area. We recognize De Anza College sits on the crux of Raymatush and Tamien tribal
lands. For more information about the Muwékma (muh-wek-mah), please visit their website.
Our vision is to continue a beautiful legacy of ancestral wisdom and cultural keeping
in relationship to the land with much love and respect. We understand we do this work
with the contradiction that we are in occupied territory after the massacre and genocide
of Ohlone peoples, with western definitions of political borders. Thus with more
conviction, we are determined to educate ourselves, as staff, faculty, students and
as community members to decolonize and deconstruct, to make room for ongoing unschooling, to
learn cultural humility, giving life to social justice inside and outside the classroom
centering first nation peoples and through relationship building. In this way, we
stay true to an indigenous way of life, to the core value that involves "To All My
Find Out What Native Land you are In
>>> Muwékma Ohlone Tribe Call to Action
Trail of Truth, Check out their complete Social Media options, as well as YouTube videos,
Partnering Up For a Brighter Future w/POST
Help Restore Federal Recognition to Muwékma
Sign the petition urging California's legislators to pass the Muwékma Ohlone Tribe resolution SJR 13
>>> Be An Ally Regionally
Take a NAIS Class in the Intercultural Studies Division - Schedule of Classes (Native American and Indigenous Studies)
Build with Native American and Indigenous Studies Instructor -Meghan Kensler
Donate to or Volunteer with the following trust funds and organizations
Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley
>>> Learn More
What is a Land Acknowledgement?
Foothill College Land Acknowledgement with a blessing from the Muwekma Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Other regional tribal groups: Raymatush, Esselen, Amah Mutsun, Rumsen, Tamien
Consider learning from this great online tool "Visualizing Indigenous Persistence during Spanish Colonization of the San Francisco Bay Area." Here is a map regarding Ohlone tribal regions , thanks to UC Berkeley's Office of Native American Student Development.
Which Native Region Do You Live In?
Find out by texting your city or zip code to 907.312.5085. (Texting charges may apply.)