SAP - Status Definitions

Students receiving financial aid are required to show satisfactory academic progress, or SAP. If you are not found to be in good standing, you will be assigned a status of "Warning", "Disqualified" or "Academic Plan."


Students who don't show satisfactory academic progress (SAP) will be automatically placed on "Warning" status for one quarter.

  • Students may receive financial aid during the warning period
  • Students not making SAP at the end of the warning period are determined to be ineligible for financial aid until they meet SAP standards.
  • Students may reestablish eligibility by meeting the 67 percent unit completion standard and the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

 Warning status may include one or more of the following:

  • Warning - Overall Pace/GPA: You did not earn the required overall minimum of 67 percent of units attempted or overall minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Warning - Maximum Time: You are approaching the maximum number of attempted units allowed for your program. If you reach the maximum at the end of this quarter, you will be disqualified.

If you will not complete your program before reaching the maximum number of attempted units, you may appeal for more time by submitting a Request for Extension form.  Our final meeting each quarter to review the requests, is the 10th week.  Any requests for extensions received after that week, will be reviewed the follow quarter. This can be found on our Financial Aid Forms webpage. 


Students who don't make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for will be automatically placed on "Disqualification" status.

  • Students may not receive any federal or state aid, including grants, loans or work-study when they are on disqualification status.
  • Students may appeal a disqualified status. See below.
  • Students may reestablish their eligibility by meeting the 67 percent overall unit completion standard and the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Disqualification status may include one or more of the following

  • Disqualified - Not meeting cumulative GPA / Pace rule
  • Disqualified - Maximum Time: You have reached the maximum number of attempted units allowed for your program without completing the required number.
  • Disqualified - Maximum Time Frame / Cum GPA & Pace rule: You had previously reached the maximum time frame and were either granted additional time which has now run out, or you were denied additional time.

If you have reached the maximum number of attempted units for your program and you would like to request more time, you may submit a Request for Extension form. This form can be found on the Financial Aid Forms page. Students are allowed only one request for extended time.

Appealing a Disqualification

You may appeal a disqualification status by submitting the form entitled “Financial Aid SAP Appeal - Academic Plan.” This can be found on the Financial Aid Forms page.

Your appeal should include

  • an explanation of why you failed to meet SAP requirements
  • an explanation of what has changed or steps you will take that will allow you to make SAP

Additional documentation may be required, as described on the appeal form. A progress report or updated Education Plan may also be required before a final decision is made.

Students will be notified by email if an appeal is approved or denied or if further information is required.

Academic Plan

If students successfully appeal a disqualification, they will be placed on an 'Academic Plan'.

  • Students may receive financial aid while being on an 'Academic Plan', (if approved).
  • Students can regain eligibility by making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) during this time – by completing 100% of the attempted units and earning a 2.0 GPA for each quarter while on an 'Academic Plan'.
  • Students must meet all requirements to continue to receive aid.

Academic Plans will vary, which the duration could include multiple quarters in order to reinstate back into a good standing status.

  • If you do not meet SAP requirements while on an 'Academic Plan', you will return to a disqualified status. Typically, students are considered one time only for an Appeal/Academic plan.
  • Submission for a request does not guarantee approval
  • Maximum Time Frame: You had previously reached the maximum time frame and submitted a Request for Extension. Students are only considered once for an extended time frame, so no further appeals will be considered. 

Return to Maintaining Eligibility webpage.

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