How to Apply
The market is the first Saturday of every month.
- Market applications accepted starting the Wednesday after the last market. Apply through Marketspread and apply early to receive your requested space. Payment is required first before space assignment.
- Sign up closes the Monday before the market.
- All payments must be received before the Wednesday prior to market day to attend.
New self selected space then pay by credit card. Go to your Dashboard in Marketspread then to application and select April 5, 2025 market.
We are still accepting payment by checks or money orders by exception. See our fees site for payment information. Make payable to DASG Flea Market with your business name and space number, if applicable.
If you do not currently have an email address there are many free options available including, but not limited to:
Below we have written instructions and an instructional video available as well.
Instructions - Returning Vendors
Login to Marketspread with your username and password.
If a colored box with the next De Anza Market date appears, click on the box for the current market date then click on the blue Apply Here on the right hand of your screen, you will see a calendar date lightly grayed, select this date and when it turns blue, hit submit. Your application is on file, you will not be asked to re-apply.
If you do not see a colored box with the date for the De Anza Market, do a search at the top of your screen for Events or Market and type in DASG or De Anza. Then go through the steps above.
Instructions - New Applicants
- Upload to Computer: For easier application process upload prior to applying.
- Logo or photo of business (Optional)
- Photo of self or designee (Optional)
- Seller's Permit if applicable (see Seller's Permit/Resale License Requirements)
- Sign Up for Account on Marketspread.
- Click on apply button below to register with Marketspread.
- If this is your first time applying through Marketspread you will first need to click
on the Register button.
Then, fill in the form (as seen below) to create your new account profile page. Business name can be a fictitious name that describes the items that you sell or your name so that shoppers can find you. - Password - Must be at least 8 characters. You can use letters and numbers. Do not use special characters.
- If this is your first time applying through Marketspread you will first need to click
on the Register button.
Make sure to write down your username and password for future Marketspread login.
c. Otherwise, if you already have a Marketspread account, enter your username and password to login and continue the application process.
4. First Time Users Profile Information
- Enter basic business profile (select vendor not exhibitor).
- Required Fields - must be completed
- Optional Fields - Allow you to add a logo or other image that represents your business and a photo of yourself or designee. Try to add as much optional fields as possible.
- When you are done entering your information click on the Save & Create button.
- Enter basic business profile (select vendor not exhibitor).
5. Once you have created your business profile you will be taken to the application for the De Anza College DASG Flea Market.
Apply for De Anza College DASG Flea Market
- Begin your application. Most common Vendor Types - Material Goods/Craft /Flea/Art or Farmer/Dealer for plant sales.
- No food or beverage vendors are allowed except food trucks by invitation. We are not operating as a certified Farmers Market.
- After successful completion of your application, you will receive an email that your application has been received.
- The next step is for our administrator to approve your application and assign you a space. This may take 5-10 days depending on business volume. Once approved, you will receive an email that your application has been approved and a request for payment.
- Once your payment is received, you will receive a message/receipt and/or QR code with your space number(s). Please be prepared to show your QR code or confirmation message/receipt on your phone or in printed format the gate on the day of the market.
Video on How to Apply as a New Vendor
Learn how to apply to an Event as a first time user.
Application for April 5, 2025.
- Opens: March 5, the Wednesday after the last market day.
- Closes: March 31, the Monday before the market day.