Meeting Notes - October 21, 2014

Christina Espinosa-Pieb – Chair

Randy Bryant - Chair

Present: Administrative Reps Espinosa-Pieb, Fayek, Kandula, Lee-Wheat, Norte, Tomaneng

 Classified Reps: Gerard, Martinez

 Faculty Reps: Alves de Lima, Bram, Bryant, Maynard, Yeckley

 Student Reps: Nehal Desal, Wendy Xiao

Absent: Trosper

Visitors: Susan Cheu, Lisa Markus, Lorna Maynard

Approval of Notes: The notes of October 7th, 2014 were approved.

Enrollment Management: 

Espinosa-Pieb presented an overview of the Enrollment Report document, which is located on IPBT website: (link on the nav bar). The report contains various data such as census enrollment, online education, ethnicity, zip code grouping, etc. She reviewed in detail the report and pointed out that it’s important for the IPBT committee to know the data in order to make decisions about planning and budgeting matters related to Instruction.  The information in this report also provides data on whom we are serving as an institution.

The Enrollment Report is updated quarterly

Faculty Hiring:

Espinosa-Pieb informed the members that there are no faculty positions or FTEF available. As of today, a few retirements were submitted but the campus first has to repay the advancement of the three instructional positions from last year.

The district requests the committee to use the same criteria as last year for the top three positions. The positions must be supported by evidence of high waitlist; high demand; seat count of 40 or more and show the completion of the course.

The rest of the positions would go with the same criteria that IPBT always uses. However, the numbers of new positions will depend upon the number of retirement letters that we receive between now and January 15th, 2015.

Espinosa-Pieb displayed the "Faculty Positions 2014-2015" document and indicated the 11 positions that did not get approve last year. She pointed out that all 11 were moved to “Faculty Hiring Data Sheet 2015-2016”, which was distributed to the committee members for review.

Lottery Dollar Allocation:

Espinosa-Pieb informed the committee that every division gets a certain amount of Lottery money. The original allocation was based on ‘B’ budget.  No one gets lottery money unless they spent it.

Because Measure C & E funding is almost spent, the college will have to start allocating Lottery Dollars and Instructional Equipment money for future expenditures.

Espinosa-Pieb noted that we need to have a process (per Accreditation Guidelines) to allocate extra dollars to the divisions. Additional Lottery Dollars should have been noted in the division’s program review and should be tied to Equity and SSSP plan.

Espinosa-Pieb will send email to the instructional deans asking the following questions:

What will the money be used for? (i.e., software, videos, etc.)
How many students will benefit from this purchase?
How does this enhance your Equity Goals?
How does this enhance your Student Learning Outcomes?
Was this noted on your Program Review?

The questions should be submitted by 12:00 noon next Tuesday.

Good of the Order:  Espinosa-Pieb announced that Rachel Pacheco will join our committee as a faculty Senate member.

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