General Meeting Information

Date: October 11, 2021
Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Welcome and Introductions I Mahato
    2:35-2:40 Review mission and membership I Mahato
    2:40-2:45 Review Best Practices Document for DASG I Mahato

    Review/approve notes from May 3, 2021 meeting




     Campus Center Dining Room Floor

    I Lockwood

    Campus Center Fireside Dining Room

    I/D Lockwood

    Quick News/Information Sharing

    I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Campus Center Advisory Board

    Notes - October 11, 2021

    Welcome and Introductions

    Jennifer Mahato, Director, College Operations welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the academic year and everyone introduced themselves.

    Review mission and membership

    The Campus Center Advisory Board mission and purpose was reviewed. The Campus Center has historically been heavily used and is the main hub for the students. The main focus of the committee is to review and make improvements to the Campus Center which houses many student services on campus.

    The committee membership was reviewed. The membership of the committee is still being finalized. One of the faculty seats is anticipated to be confirmed at the Academic Senate meeting later today. Brendan Mar, faculty has offered to attend today’s meeting on behalf of the Academic Senate.

    Classified Senate has a call out for classified representatives. The committee has 2 open Campus Center Office seats and a call has gone out to the staff working in the building for members.  

    Review Best Practices Document for DASG

    The Best Practices Document from DASG was reviewed. The spirit of this document comes from the desire for all members of the De Anza College community to engage in mutually meaningful participation in the process of shared governance. Tina Lockwood will serve as the student mentor this year on the committee.

    Review/approved notes from May 3, 2021 meeting

    The notes from May 3, 2021 meeting were approved.

    Campus Center Dining Room Floor

    Information, a floor plan and some pictures of the Campus Center dining room floor project was shared. Last year this committee chose a ceramic tile to replace all of the flooring in the main dining room, conference rooms A & B and the hallways leading to those spaces.  The new floor is easier to clean and requires less maintenance by the custodial staff. The project was scheduled during the pandemic shut down as the building was empty and free of students and personnel and is now complete.  

    Campus Center Fireside Dining Room

    The Campus Center Fireside Dining Room is located in the Campus Center and the use has changed over the years. Originally the room was renovated in 2006/2007 and intended to be a quiet space. The students most recently use the room for gathering, gaming and computer work. The room is also used for small presentation by different groups on campus.

    Pictures of the room were shared and a proposal was brought forward to paint over the old apricot and cream colors to provide a new color and give the room an updated look. Four accent colors were shared and reviewed. The accent color the committee chooses would highlight the old fireplace in the room. Pictures of the fireplace with 4 color options were shared: gold/classic blue/light green and a purple shade. Feedback was given by the group about the colors and going forward a series of brush-outs will be available for the committee members to view in person. The doors will have some new lettering to better identify the room and provide a cleaner look.

    A question was brought forward about the staff dining room adjacent to the Fireside Room and if this room will be updated.  A small update to the room to clean up the windows around the entry will be made.

    Quick News/Information Sharing

    The Senior Staff Q & A today included there will be a district wide update to the WIFI. The outdoor patio area at the Campus Center will be included as part of the project.

    Health Services area will be updated to include a lobby area that will be more welcoming to students.

    Drinking fountains campus wide have been covered due to Covid-19. The bottle filling stations around the Campus Center have been turned back on. Paper cups have been provided temporarily near the filling stations inside the Campus Center for those who do not have a personal water bottle available.  This is a temporary measure (not long term due to sustainability concerns).

    Dining Services is open!! Monday – Thursday and closed on Friday. There is a limited menu with sandwiches made to order, hamburgers, french fries, pizza and soup.

    The next Campus Center Advisory Board meets on Monday, January 24, 2022 @ 2:30p.m. via Zoom.



    Campus Center Advisory Board

    Name (Original Name)

    User Email

    Sally Gore

    Brendan Mar (Brendan)


    Tina Lockwood


    Jennifer Mahato


    Helya Bahari-kashani


    Andrew Stoddard


    Rose Chan


    Patrick Gannon


    Dennis Shannakian


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker




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