General Meeting Information

Date: October 17, 2022
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Location: Via Zoom*

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Welcome and Introductions I Mahato
    2:35-2:40 Review mission and membership I Mahato
    2:40-2:45 Review Best Practices Document for DASG I Mahato
    2:45-2:50 Review/approve notes from April 25, 2022 meeting A Mahato
    • Fireside Room Update
    • Campus Center Lobby (at stairway)
    • Health Services Office Update
      (door & window system)
    • Campus Center Painting - Lower Level
    • Painting - Fencing and Handrails
    I/D Lockwood/Mahato
    3:10-3:15 Dining Services Update I Gannon
    3:15-3:25 Measure G - New Services for Students Building Update I Mahato
    3:25-3:30 Information Sharing/Quick News I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Campus Center Advisory Board


    October 17, 2022

    Welcome and Introductions

    Mahato welcomed everyone to the Fall quarter and the new academic year, and everyone introduced themselves.

    Review mission and membership

    The mission and membership of the Campus Center Advisory Board was reviewed. It was noted that there is still a classified senate vacancy, and we will continue to reach out to Classified Senate.

    Review Best Practices Document for DASG

    The Best Practices document for DASG was shared with the membership by Mahato.

    Review/Approve notes April 25, 2022, meeting

    The group reviewed and approved the notes.

    Fireside Room Update

    New carpet was installed in the Fireside Room over the summer. Pictures were shared of the new carpet, door lettering and the Zoom pods. The Zoom pods are a stand-alone seating unit that allows for a semiprivate space for students to Zoom into classes while onsite. The Zoom pods and power bar tables for the room are also expected to arrive on Friday. After the power tables and pods are installed, the committee will consider changing the color of the acoustical panels on the walls. Color options will be presented for the committee to consider for the accent wall and acoustical wall panels. HEERF funding can be utilized since this space can be used as a virtual Zoom student environment.

    Health Services Office Update (door and window system)

    The door and window system will be installed upon receipt.

    Campus Center Painting – Lower Level

    The committee approved painting the lower-level walls and doors in the Campus Center. The recommended color is standard off white and the doors standard brown.  Discussion continued around having students provide input about adding accents such as adding a De Anza logo and mascots decals after the painting is complete. The intent is to make the space welcoming and be more student centered. 

    A question was asked about a timeline of replacing some ceiling tiles due to a recent water leak. District Facilities is working on this issue.

    Painting – Fencing and Handrails

    Information and pictures were shared of the Campus Center patio fencing painting work that was performed over the summer (using state funding, state scheduled maintenance). De Anza is working with District Facilities to get additional handrails at the stairways (east side of building) painted. State scheduled maintenance funds are the planned funding source for this work.

    Dining Services Update

    Dining Services numbers have increased since the campus reopened this Fall quarter. In Fall of 2021, during the pandemic, Dining Services was serving approximately 200 customers per day. Currently, those numbers have increased to about 600 customers per day and the numbers continue to rise.  Dining Services need to serve 1600 per day to break even. Currently the department is running at a loss and using reserves & was using HEERF to backfill loss of revenue. Department is self-sustaining and not subsidized by general fund. Concern over long-term viability of department. The most popular item on the line is the Korean rice bar (Bibimbap). The Pho and Teriyaki Bowl station is open Monday-Thursday at the front of the main dining room, and it is very popular, and reviews are exceptional. Dining Services will be open Monday-Thursday until 5pm for grab and go, with the Bibimbap station open until 2pm, the grill, sandwich and pizza station is open until 4pm. Hot coffee and hot chocolate is also available in the lobby. Dining Services is closed on Friday.

    Measure G – New Services for Students Building Update

    Mahato shared a presentation about the Measure G Bond program. The district received almost $900m dollars from the community in March of 2020. Due to the pandemic, there have been a few challenges moving forward. The January 2021 Board of Trustees meeting information was shared (Master Bond Project List). The bond is largely focused on infrastructure. Some of the first De Anza projects include fire alarm and suppression system upgrades; building interiors and exteriors (focused first on the restroom buildings L5, S2 and S6); and beach volleyball (formerly softball).

    The De Anza Event Center project that will replace the old Flint Center. This project includes a large utility component. The bond list revision (BLR) process was shared and explained. The bond management team works with accounting and the banner software system. Mahato explained each of these items and provided the group with the process as things move forward.

    Mahato also provided a brief explanation and presented a timeline of what has occurred so far around the Event Center, the A8 physical plant infrastructure, the removal of the A quad and the new services for students building projects.

    The need for the services for students building is a primary focus for the campus. Students should be at the front and center of the campus and have good access to services. This concept was formalized in the most recent Facilities Master Plan.

    There will be more engagement in the winter from the District and De Anza, including surveys and community outreach.

    There was a question about what type of utilities are included in a “plant”. A physical plant in this case includes items such as domestic water, hvac water, telecom, electricity, and likely gas.

    A question was asked if building will have a solar power component. It is likely the buildings will have some solar component.

    Information Sharing/Quick News

    The next meeting for the Campus Center Advisory Board will be January 30, 2023.


    Name (Original Name)

    User Email

    Duration (Minutes)

    Sally Gore


    Jennifer Mahato


    Tina Lockwood


    Tina Lockwood


    Cedric Buenviaje



    Cedric Buenviaje (Cedric Buenviaje)



    Britney Calimlim



    Britney Calimlim



    Hongjie Zhou



    Khanh Ngo (Hongjie Zhou)



    Ammalinh Chan


    Ammalinh Chan


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Dennis Shannakian


    Patrick Gannon



    Dennis Shannakian


    Patrick Gannon



    Maritza Arreola


    Maritza Arreola


    Cedric Buenviaje



    Cedric Buenviaje



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