We currently have vacant positions in the Classified Senate that need to be filled. Detailed position descriptions for these roles can be found on our Classified Senate Elections page. Should you be interested in any of these positions, please contact the Classified Senate at classifiedsenate@deanza.edu.
2023-2025 Elected Classified Senators
The Classified Senate is comprised of five Officers, a DASG representative, and Senators, with each Senator representing an area of focus. In addition, the Classified Senate supports other committees and shared governance needs by recruiting, nominating and confirming volunteers that may or may not be part of the Classified Senate.
We meet every Tuesday of every month from 2-3 p.m. Our meetings are open to the public. In addition, we hold General Membership meetings every quarter.
Executive Committee
Areas of Focus
Equity and Engagement
The Equity and Engagement area of focus has representation on the following shared governance committees:
- District Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee
- Human Resources Advisory Committee
- Equity Action Council
Committee Lead:
Committee Designee:
Senator Designee
Planning and Budgeting
The Planning and Budgeting area of focus has representation on the following shared governance committees:
- Instructional Planning and Budget Team
- Student Services Planning and Budget Team
- Administrative Planning and Budget Team
- District Budget Advisory Committee
Executive Committee Lead:
Senator Lead
Senator Designee
Operational and Facilities
The Operational and Facilities area of focus has representation on the following shared governance committees:
- College Planning Committee
- Campus Center Advisory
- Campus Facilities
Executive Committee Lead:
Senator Lead
Senator Lead
Student Services and Technology
The Student Services and Technology area of focus has representation on the following shared governance committees:
- Technology Committee
- Educational Technology Advisory Committee
- Guided Pathways
Executive Committee Lead:
Standing Committees
Professional Development Committee
Equity, Inclusion and Recognition Committee
Mentorship and Advisory Group