General Meeting Information
Date: January 17,
Time: 10-11:25
Location: MLC 255
This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 10:00-10:05 Welcome and Introductions
I Tri-chairs 10:05-10:20 PAC meeting day/time D Adriana ad Rob 10:20-10:50 PAC mission and charge
D Tri-chairs 10:50-11:05 Faculty hiring
- Nursing
- Auto tech
D/A Erik 11:05-11:25 Resource allocation
- Strong Work Force and Perkins funds were allocated in Fall by IPBT
- Lottery
Erik A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Membership attendance
- In person: Eric Mendoza, Erick Aragon, Tim Shively, Thomas Ray, Moaty Fayek, Rob Mieso, Tina Lockwood, Pam Grey, Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Jessica Lukius, Isaac Lim, Salvador Guerero, Adriana Garcia, Erik Woodbury
- Remote: Felisa Vilaubi, Michele LeBleu-Burns, Andre Meggerson, Bidya Subedi, Elvin Ramos, Alicia Mullens, Melinda Hughes, Wei Quan Lai
Welcome and Introductions
Membership is listed on the website here. The committee agreed people on Zoom may use the chat feature, but comments in chat will not be part of the meeting minutes unless lifted up verbally.
PAC meeting day/time
Meeting after 2pm would make full participation from classified staff more viable. Any classified staff member in instruction will have students in their spaces or be addressing student needs at this time. This is also a time when classified in operations meet with vendors.
What can we do to affirm that classified can participate at this time? Can we support them in shutting down their office weekly 10-11:30? Who would support students then during that hour? We need an established protocol from the deans/managers who can cover e.g. when administrative assistants are away from governance/committee meetings.
We should get student input on if this time is good for them
There is a concern that moving the time may cause a conflict with people already on the committee. We are a large group of 25, so it will be hard to have a time that works perfectly for everyone. The new time should also not conflict with other standing collegewide meetings.
Although the Dean of CTE is not on this committee, if possible we should choose a time when he can attend since he is involved in many of the funding sources.
We will likely be looking for a new time for Spring or next Fall, but keep this meeting time this Winter.
ACTION NEEDED: Doodle poll
PAC mission and charge - committee norms
- PAC Agenda Planning Jamboard
- PAC norms Google doc (working document)
Detailed notes on this discussion are in the PAC norms Google doc linked above. Much of the discussion was about using "consensus" rather than Robert's Rules for meeting facilitation and decision making. A more detailed defintion of "concensus" is needed. A combination of consensus and formal voting may be needed for decision making. Voting may require more than a simple majority and may use ranked choice voting.
Agendas should be posted at least three days before the meeting and emailed to the voting members. Presenters and invited guests should provide any handouts or slides to the chairs before the meeting in time to be included on the agendas. We can’t do this work in 90 minutes a week, so people can give thoughts between meetings in the google docs and jamboards. Members agreed that meetings should be open to the public.
ACTION NEEDED: Demonstration of ranked choice voting at a future meeting
Faculty hiring and Instruction resource allocation - Overview of work from IPBT in Fall 2022
- Resource requests and allocations from IPBT
- Program review from IPBT
IPBT had 6 meetings in Fall. Their top two priorities for the quarter were faculty hiring and instructional resource allocation. Strong Work Force and Perkins funds were allocated.
Criteria were created for both hiring and resource allocation. Program reviews were used to evaluate requests.
When we hire people, we need to consider if we have the physical space for them. “Where are they going to live?”
De Anza has lost a lot of classified staff and those positions haven’t been filled, especially in custodial and grounds. Perhaps we need mathematical formulae for e.g. minimum number of grounds personnel needed per square foot or per total number of employees. How do we decide how many faculty versus non-faculty hires we’ll make? What is the timeline for that?
In program review , divisions have been told only “critical” needs will be funded, so now everything gets marked critical, whether it is or not.
We need to consider how long it takes things to be manufactured, shipped, received, installed, etc. Input from facilities and ETS on requests is essential. We have an order deadline of mid-May to meet the end of fiscal year deadline in June.
IPBT had an understanding that if there’s a vacancy in nursing it will automatically be filled, otherwise the program can’t continue. Auto tech requires a new hire for approval as soon as possible to fulfill it’s new baccalaureate program requirements. Dean Kristin Skager said Journalism currently has only an emergency full-time hire and without that being approved for a full-time hire we will no longer have La Voz, the student newspaper.
- Verify whether the Strong Work Force and Perkins allocations from IPBT were brought to College Council in Fall.
- Tina Lockwood and Adriana Garcia will work on creating a timeline for ordering supplies and resource allocation.
Zoom Information
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 814 3025 8762
Passcode: 110311
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,81430258762#