
  • Program review includes a comprehensive review (CPR) every 4 years with an abbreviated annual reflection in years 2 and 3.
  • Resource requests include requests for materials, supplies and instructional equipment funded through Lottery, Instructional Equipment, Perkins and Strong Workforce funds. Draft requests are due in December and final requests are due in March. Unused funds that were previously allocated are reverted to unallocated funds after one year in March.
  • Personnel requests are done in two rounds. Round 1 takes place in May and reviews new full-time faculty requests or replacement positions that became vacant between October 1 and April 30. New Classified/Administrative positions must be requested in Round 1. Round 2 begins in October and reviews full-time faculty positions that became vacant between May 1 and September 30.
  • Personnel requests include faculty retirements, resignations, or growth positions and classified and administrative positions requiring new funding.
  • Training is ongoing for RAPP voting members by includes training on program review, resource requests and personnel requests for deans/chairs/managers in October and March.

RAPP Timeline

Year 1 (2023-2024)

October 2023

Forms Available:

  • Personnel Requests (round 2)
  • Annual Program Review
  • Resource Requests (draft)


  • All RAPP items for Deans/Managers and RAPP voting members
  • Program Review Annual Reflection process for Chairs/Managers

November 2023

Forms Due:

  • Personnel Requests (round 2)

January 2024

Forms Due:

  • Annual Program Review
  • Resource Requests (draft)

RAPP Decisions:

  • Personnel Prioritizations (final)

College Council Decisions:

  • Personnel Prioritizations (final)

February 2024

Begin Hiring:

  • All New Positions

March 2024

Reallocate Funds:

  • Any unused resources previously allocated are reverted to unallocated after one year

Forms Due:

  • Resource Requests (final)


  • Personnel Requests (round 1) for Deans/Managers and RAPP voting members

April 2024

Forms Due:

  • Personnel Requests (round 1)

May 2024

RAPP Feedback:

  • Annual Program Review Reflection

June 2024

College Council Decisions:

  • Resource Requests, SWP, Perkins

RAPP Decisions:

  • Personnel Requests (round 1)
  • Resource Requests, SWP, Perkins
Year 2 (2024-2025)

July 2024


  • Departments begin purchasing based on resource requests approved

September 2024

  • New faculty start
  • Begin to use new resource requests
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