General Meeting Information

Date: June 20, 2023
Time: 10-11:25am
Location: MLC 255

"This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page."

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10-10:05 Welcome: Agenda & Minutes I/D Rob
    10:05-10:06 Annual Governance Survey I/D Mallory

    Program Review/Timeline/Personnal Hiring Process

    I/D Mallory

    Timeline approval

    I/D/A Mallory

    Personnel Hiring discussion
    Discussion of Items with Broad Agreement

    Hiring Spreadsheet



    Personnel Hiring
    Discussion of other positions and future plans



    Instructional Equipment



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Rapp meeting minutes 6/20/23

    Membership attendance:

     In Person: Mallory Newell, Moaty Fayek, Justin Fry, Erik Woodbury, Kate Wang, Adam Contreras, Salvador Guerrero, Jason Sousa, Nicholas Turangan, Izat Rasyad

     Remote: Eric Mendoza, Erick Aragon, Julie Hughes, Felisa Vilaubi, Alicia Mullens, Melinda Hughes, Bidya Subedi, Martin Varela, Tina Lockwood, Andre Meggerson, Debbie Lee, Pam Grey, Michele Lebleu-Burns, Rob Mieso, Thomas Ray, Javier Gomez-Tagle, Randy Bryant

    Absent: none

    10:02am - Start: Welcome Agenda & Minutes

    The agenda and meeting minutes from 6/13/23 were approved.

    10:03am Annual Governance Survey

    Mallory – This is sent to all the shared governance groups along with the governance handbook. We did update the RAPP membership and the charge. Just a reminder to find out how long your membership terms are, so we can update the website we will add this to the Fall agenda. We would like to update the survey anyone that has input can send their suggestions to Mallory by email this is due by June 30th. Its use is for ongoing planning and to assess our governance structures for accreditation purposes.

    10:05am - Program Review/ Timeline/ Personnel Hiring Process

    Mallory - Program review is going to be on a 4-year cycle. 2 years of reflection and in the 4 year we will go into program review, we have the Instructional Programs Comprehensive program review form for your review, Erik did send some questions that would go into the degrees and certificates area. Academic Services has a program review form, an Annual Reflection form, and Instructional Academic Services Department feedback form was also created.  If there are any other changes, please try to get those to Mallory by the end of this academic year.

    Michele added – There should be something about SSLO’S and the updates to that, there has been conversation in Student Services doing the honor reflection every year. Michele sent in a sample form that they will be using this morning.

    Bidya asked - What review form would Student Services? Mallory responded – Student Services will continue to use the CAS program review form.

    Mallory – added some workshops, in early Fall there will be a RAPP training for all voting members. Added a workshop in late February for RAPP members, Deans, and Managers on the personnel hiring process. In late March there is a workshop on how to complete the comprehensive review form.  First round of personnel hiring decisions was added in May, and the second round of hiring will happen in October. We are looking for approval of this timeline.

    Andre in chat - Thank you for all this timeline work.

    10:13am - With no objections the Timeline was approved.

    10:14am Personnel Hiring Discussion of other positions and future plans.

    To keep the process fair the chairs, want to break this list into 2 sections. 1 are there any positions currently on our list that we do not have any questions about? If there are no questions on certain positions from our original 19 positions, we will then move forward for College Councils approval. 2 if there are positions that members do have questions about, we will set those positions aside for more conversation to be had after we go through the whole list collectively.

    Moaty – Automotive technician was approved last quarter and it should already be in the hiring process. Erik- Is there any objections to this position moving forward? none.

    Alicia in chat - I really want to put in a word for History. Their FT% is abysmal and there is desperate need simply on that merit.

    Moaty – The MPS position is valuable wants to know if there are any questions on this position would like it to move forward.

    Alicia in chat - I agree with the need for another MPS Counselor.

    Debbie – Wants to look at CHLX and WMST any questions on CHLX. There were questions about the retirement dates of the people currently in those positions, and why are we hiring now if the people in those positions are not retired yet? Debbie added – the new person would start in the fall of 2024 based off the hiring cycle.

    Melinda – Wants to look at Student Judicial Affairs / Office of College Life any objections to these positions, there are no objections. Bidya asked who is doing the paperwork for this job currently? Michele responded - one fulltime faculty member and doing are doing the work.

    Moaty – Is concerned with the legitimacy of the process if everyone is advocating for certain positions when some people have not had a chance to speak about positions. So, we should go through the list with yes or no and if there is a need for discussion we will continue with conversations after we assess what positions we want to move forward and what positions have more questions.

    Due to a limited amount of time left in the meeting we decided to start the process over by going through the list of the 19 positions and we are just asking for yes or no to wanting more discussions on any positions, if there are a need for more discussion we will set those positions aside for more conversation to be had after we go through the whole list collectively. Because the position was set aside does not mean it is denied, it just means some people may have questions or need clarity to the process of how certain decisions were made.

    There were some hands raised to have more discussion about CHLX and WMST. So, we will have more conversation about these positions so they can be moved forward for approval.

    Erik added – We have $1.5million for these current positions and we would have $844,000 left over.

    Motion made by Moaty and 2nd by Salvador move 15 positions forward to College Council for approval. With no objections it was approved, and we will recommend these positions to College Council. Now we are going to review the positions that were set aside for more conversation by RAPP members only.

    11:01 Personnel Hiring
    Discussion of other positions and future plans.

    Salvador – The discussion should be within RAPP so that things stay fair with just the members. Had a question on the reconciliation process for WMST (woman studies)

    The Student Success Specialist for retention, Salvador would like to know how we went from low to high and how reconciliation process went.

    Tina – let us know that Debbie answered her question about the timing of the Retiring vs Hiring of the WMST position.

    Salvador – Still has a question on the reconciliation process for WMST (woman studies). Salvador asked if Tina agreed with the consensus of the CHLX and WMST positions, Tina said she would like to revisit and do the consensus for CHLX and WMST positions.

    Erik - Not approving something today does not mean that these positions won’t get filled we are just going to talk about it more in the future. There is a desire for further conversation around the Chincan-X Studies and the Physical Education in athletics relative to other needs in the college and we want to have a broader discussion in the Fall.

    Michele in chat - Chicanx Studies is critical to the new Ethnic Studies requirement from the state.

    Javier – Spoke on the Leadership Development & Student Activities Coordinator and this is a position that RAPP needs to consider. DASG is currently funding this position. They would like the college to take over the funding for this position so the students can use that money towards student services.

    Erik asked – Is there any desire for further conversation on the Student Activities Coordinator position before approving it Debbie and Tina raised their hands for more conversation on this position.

    2 positions Students Success Specialist and Woman’s Genders and Sexuality Studies faculty position. Motion - from Debbie and a second from Michele & Justin to bring these positions forward to College Council.

    11:26 am end of meeting

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