General Meeting Information
Date: February 3,
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 1:30 p.m. Welcome 1:35 p.m. Approval of Meeting Notes from January 20, 2022 I/A Mandy 1:40 p.m. Review Rubric Submissions I/D Mieso 2:00 p.m. Position Recommendations to College Council I/D/A Mieso 2:15 p.m. SGTF Presentation I Balducci & Nguyen 2:30 p.m. Member & Program Updates I/D Mandy 2:55 p.m. Good of the Order I/D Mieso 3:00 p.m. Adjourn *Please contact the admin for Zoom meeting information
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Attending Members: Alexander, Balducci, Bostick, Brown, Galoyan, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy (co-chair), Mieso (co-chair), Nguyen, Teja (DASG), Tran (DASG), Wheat, Yi-Baker
Guests: Veronica Avila, Marilyn Booye, and Maria Hernandez
Meeting Items
Minutes Approval
There was one amendment to the previous meeting notes and none to the agenda.
Review Rubric Submissions
The committee reviewed the rubric submissions and the totals for the six positions presented. Mieso explained that an average score was added due to the rubric submission variance from 3 to all 6 rubrics per position. In total, 11 members submitted rubrics for the positions. The submissions were kept anonymous and were ranked from high to low. The rubric submissions were a guide and 5 of the 6 positions need to be chosen by the committee to forward to College Counsel. Mieso opened up the meeting for thoughts, comments, and discussion.
- Nguyen asked when these positions would be filled once approved.
- Mieso responded that once the positions were selected they would be placed on the College Council agenda for February 17th where they would be reviewed and approved. The deans can then start the hiring process and could have the positions filled by spring or summer 2022.
- Balducci noted that the positions would need to go out internally first and that some may be filled that way as well.
- Balducci said that even though her three positions ranked in the top five, the ISP
position is really close. She felt she should not necessarily have all three positions
that she submitted and that she would support one position going ISP.
- Balducci further advocated for the ISP Counselor, explaining that the General Counselors do see ISP students and they often need to refer them back due to the specific needs required by ISP students.
- Galoyan was very appreciative of the support for the ISP position and thanked everyone for considering the need for the position.
- Many members voiced that they felt it was more equitable if the positions were dispersed
to all the areas that submitted position requests.
- LeBleu-Burns commented that the presentations for all six positions really do show the need we have in Student Services for more hiring, especially after the last round of budget reductions. She also wanted to acknowledge and appreciated the work, time, thought, and care that went into this process.
- Mieso commented that Student Services managers did have a discussion if more positions should be submitted than what was being funded at this time. The group felt that it was important for each area to submit requests based on their needs so that the need in that area could be recognized, even if the position(s) may not move forward this time. General Counseling alone could have submitted requests for all five positions based on their current need.
- Yi-Baker asked how often do we receive funding for hiring.
- Mieso responded that we don’t receive ongoing funds from the state very often, most are categorical that can be short term. Some funds could possibly come from the SRP positions when those funds are released.
- Nguyen asked if a position gets bypassed this time around, can this position be prioritized
in the next round when funding is available again for hiring?
- Mieso responded that yes, we can keep the position not chosen in this round as a priority hire for when we receive funding allocated to hire again.
- Tran asked if there was any particular order or ranking for the five positions.
- Mieso responded that there is funding for five positions so no order is required since
we will only be recommending five to College Council.
- Mieso responded that there is funding for five positions so no order is required since
we will only be recommending five to College Council.
The discussion concluded with the Early Alert Counselor that was ranked #5 be replaced with the ISP Counselor that was ranked #6. These two positions only had a 0.2 average difference in the ranking and the group considered the fact that not all members completed the rubric for all positions and that the scores were only a guide. This also ensured that each area will at least get one position. Balducci was then given the opportunity to determine which two of her three positions she would like to move forward. Balducci chose the two counselor positions based on what the Division had requested in order of priority, the Transfer Counselor/Coordinator and the General Counselor.
Position Recommendations to College CouncilA motion to vote on the final five positions was placed and seconded. SSPBT voted to recommend the five faculty positions below to go to College Council for final approval:
- Guardian Scholars Counselor/Coordinator
- Psychological Services/Mental Health Counselor
- Transfer Counselor/Coordinator
- General Counselor
- ISP Counselor
SGTF Presentation
From Spring 2021 to present:
- Assessed the De Anza Shared Governance model survey data
- Reviewed the current De Anza Shared Governance model
- Researched other College’s Shared Governance models
Three Problems were identified:
- Siloed decision making.
- Lack of trust.
- Parity in representation.
The committee developed a new shared governance model to help address these concerns. The draft proposal has been shared with multiple stakeholders and advisory groups and the feedback has been incorporated into the proposal. A webpage has been set up to show the committee’s progress and a recurring meeting is held once a week for anyone to attend to give suggestions and/or input. A townhall meeting has now been scheduled for Wednesday, February 16th from 2:00 – 3:00 pm to present the most updated proposal.
Member and Program Updates
- Yi-Baker reported that the DASG application deadline for the elections has been extended
to February 14th to allow more applications for next year.
- A townhall has been scheduled on Friday, February 11th at 2:30 pm so students can learn more about De Anza’s COVID protocols as well as other updates and will be given an opportunity to voice their concerns and ask questions.
- Tran reported that they did a reading of the Finance Committee recommended budget
for next year and in the next meeting they will see if any changes need to be made.
- Brown reported that Guided Pathways is conducting student employment interviews for
the villages. They had 114 students apply for only 12 positions that are available.
They are working on getting more student perspectives to assist with how they move
forward with solidifying guided pathways into our culture at De Anza.
- The third workshop for Classified employees to learn more about Guided Pathways will be held and they are starting to look into how to embed Classified employees into the villages.
- Galoyan also mentioned that they are working on incorporating the 6 meta-majors as
an option in the application when students apply.
- Balducci reported that they are seeing a lot of students in every area, especially
transfer because of the application extensions so they have been working on providing
workshops to students.
- DSPS is also looking into increasing enrollment since Mission College is giving up
their program for Adult Education so her team is contacting those students to let
them know what we have to offer.
- DSPS is also looking into increasing enrollment since Mission College is giving up
their program for Adult Education so her team is contacting those students to let
them know what we have to offer.
- Galoyan said they are preparing for spring registration that starts February 22nd.
Outreach has already started application workshops, orientation, and their outreach
activities to high schools.
- ISP is preparing for spring admission with spring orientation.
- ISP is preparing for spring admission with spring orientation.
- LeBleu-Burns said students can now pick up a free home-testing kit from Health Services
and the kits are available while supplies last. A student can pick up one test per
week outside the Lower Level entrance of the Campus Center near the student Health
Services office. A webpage has also been created on where to find COVID test kits in Santa Clara County.
- EOPS has started their application process for spring which will go through the 17th
of February. If they need more applications they could extend the deadline to the
end of the month but as of now, they will be open only through the 17th.
- EOPS has started their application process for spring which will go through the 17th
of February. If they need more applications they could extend the deadline to the
end of the month but as of now, they will be open only through the 17th.
- Mandy reported that her staff have been doing a lot of Financial Aid workshops for
high school seniors and scholarship workshops since the application deadline ends
on February 19th. Their 2022-23 FASFA data should be coming in soon. They are receiving
many requests for Financial Aid extensions for students who have exceeded the units
- They are continuing distribution of Emergency Funds and are always looking for ways to best serve the student needs.
- Bookstore transfer has been going well but there have been some reported issues regarding
computers being distributed to students. Mandy will be reaching out to these students
so they can use Emergency Funds instead to purchase them.
- Avila said that last week was the 9th SLO symposium and the numbers seem to be growing
in the Student Services/Affairs area.
- There was also a guest speaker who spoke about a pilot program called “Competency
Based Education” that provides distance learning education program for students who
are not on track to go to a four-year college. The program is more for older students
and has much more flexibility as to when they offer services.
- There was also a guest speaker who spoke about a pilot program called “Competency
Based Education” that provides distance learning education program for students who
are not on track to go to a four-year college. The program is more for older students
and has much more flexibility as to when they offer services.
Good of the Order
Members did not have any statements or observations to note at this time.
- Nguyen asked when these positions would be filled once approved.