General Meeting Information

Date: November 17, 2022
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Welcome    
    1:35 p.m. Approval of Meeting Notes from Nov. 3, 2022 I/A Mandy
    1:40 p.m.

    Equity/SEA Plan Presentation
         - Student Equity Plan - 2022-2025

    I/D Cortez
    2:00 p.m. De Anza CONNECT Presentation I/D Chand, Del Rio
    2:20 p.m. Accreditation Update I/D LeBleu-Burns
    2:30 p.m. Member & Program Updates:
         ACE, FA, Teamsters,
         Academic Senate, Classified Senate,
         DASG, program areas
    I/D Mieso
    2:55 p.m. Good of the Order I/D Mieso
    3:00 p.m. Adjourn    

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Attending Members:  Bostick, Chacko, Galoyan, Glapion, Lai (DASG), LeBleu-Burns, Mandy (co-chair), Mieso (co-chair), Yi-Baker

    Meeting Items

    Minutes Approval

    There was one amendment to the previous meeting notes and none to the agenda.

    Equity/SEA Plan Presentation

    Alicia Cortez presented on the updated Equity/SEA Plan for 2022-25. The groups have been identified that we are to focus on based on data the state has collected. Five groups were identified using the specified metrics below:

    1. Successful enrollment (onboarding)
    2. Completion of college level Math and English
    3. Persistence: first primary term to secondary term (this includes retention)
    4. Transfer (four-year college)
    5. Completion (AAs, Certificates, ADTs)

    As a campus we have identified seven groups and they will be included with the five that the state requires since we wanted to align with our Educational Master Plan and our Strategic Master Plan:

    1. Black or African American
    2. Hispanic or Latino
    3. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
    4. Foster Youth
    5. Asian
    6. LGBTQ+
    7. DSPS

    They are looking to desegregate the Asian category to refine the numbers since it encompasses a large community. Everyone should review the document to see if anything was missed or was overlooked, provide feedback, etc. especially in the Action Steps, and let either Alicia Cortez or Mallory Newell know. The plan needs to be submitted by November 30, 2022.

    Yi-Baker asked if there was any information or feedback in the document regarding the student experience in the classroom as it relates to how responsive faculty are to their needs.

    • Cortez responded that they did incorporate some survey information they received on how students feel connected and they are working on a student campus climate survey that will be sent out either in the winter quarter or spring quarter. Cortez made a note to look into that further to see where they may want to include this information.

    De Anza CONNECT Presentation

    Sushini Chand and Patricia Del Rio gave a presentation about CONNECT that has replaced Early Alert to assist students as a preventative measure.

    De Anza CONNECT is a college-wide communication and referral system that identifies struggling students. It supports all students on campus by connecting them to campus resources and services, creating a student support network. The program was launched last fall and bridges the instructional academic side and support services and encompasses many areas as shown and listed below:

     Retention Team Graph

    The Retention Program Includes:

    • Stop Outs - Student Holds
    • Low GPA
    • Part-Time Students
    • Exceeding Units
    • Academic & Progress Probation
    • Learning Communities
    • De Anza CONNECT
    • Additional Services

    CONNECT is a service and a tool. It can be easily used by faculty, classified, and administrators throughout the entire term to communicate to students and connect them to resources and services.

    CONNECT Student Profile:

    • Ethnicity – 38% of CONNECT students are Latinx
    • Gender – 54% of CONNECT students are male, 45% female
    • Age – 46% of CONNECT students are 19 or less years old
    • Low Income – 55% of CONNECT students are low income
    • First Generation – 31% of CONNECT students are first generation
    • Support Program – 81% of students may not be associated with a support program
    • Instructional Modality – 96% of students took at least one online course

    Student CONNECT Cohorts were created and for the winter 2022 quarter:

    • 72% of the winter 2022 cohort persisted to the spring 2022 term
    • There was a 40% increase in the Course Success Rate over one term (winter 2022 to spring 2022) for students in the cohort who re-enrolled in spring 2022
    • There was an 18% decrease in withdrawals over one term (winter 2022 to spring 2022) for students in the cohort who re-enrolled in spring 2022.

    Course Success Rate Comparison

    Fall 2021
    Winter 2022
    39% increase overall
    42% increase overall 
    36% increase for African American, Latinx & Filipinx students
    54% increase for African American,
    Latinx & Filipinx students
    49% increase for Native American, Pacific Islander, White & decline to state
    32% increase for Native American, Pacific Islander, White & decline to state

    Last year they had about 192 concerns, kudos and referrals that were raised and so far in this term (fall 2022) over 300, and the term is not over yet. If the student is part of a particular program or service, the item is forwarded to that program.

    Currently the referral form is being built out more to include more programs and services on campus. Mieso suggested that the managers in Student Services email the Retention Team programs that they offer students such as Men of Color, Psychological Services, etc. that are open to all students to possibly add to the form. He also commented on how far this program has come and how it has changed the punitive way of how probation was handled to a more supportive and high-touch approach.

    • Yi-Baker had a concern on how to keep reports that should go into Maxient from getting reported through this form.
      • Chand responded that when they do their presentations to faculty they do make a distinction on when to use CONNECT and when to utilize Maxient. If they do receive a report that should go into Maxient, they notify the person to redirect the report.
    • Yi-Baker had another question regarding how the student is contacted.
      • Chand responded that when a submission is sent through CONNECT, the student is notified as well via email and then they receive a phone call from their office.
    • Yi-Baker also had concerns about students with poor academic records and how those are being handled.
      • De Rio responded that the Retention Program was created to handle Academic and Progress Probation and they do reach out to students in many different ways throughout the quarter, including phone calls.
      • Chand said the reason CONNECT was created was to help prevent and catch students before they are on academic probation.

    Full Presentation

    Accreditation Update

    LeBleu-Burns gave an Accreditation update and she has received information from various areas of Student Services to incorporate into the ISER for Accreditation Standard IIC. The deadline was yesterday, Wednesday,  Nov. 16th and she asked those who have not submitted their information to do so by noon this Friday, November 18, 2022. A reminder has been sent out to everyone involved so she can start compiling the information into the template provided. She appreciated all the work that has gone into this knowing how very busy everyone is this time of year.

    Member and Program Updates
    • Lai reported on DASG and they have been working on a new proposal to permit students to use electric scooters, skateboards and ride bikes on campus.

    • Bostick reported on ACE and they didn’t have any updates at this time but they are working on making sure our work policies are current and of course ACE is available to members if they have any questions or concerns.

    • Yi-Baker reported that DASG has received some donations to purchase about 25 e-bikes for student use. A bike stand was also donated where minor bike repairs can take place. The last meeting for DASG for the quarter will take place next Wednesday.
      • She also wanted to remind everyone that the December Flea Market is coming up on Saturday, December 3rd.

    • Glapion reported on Academic Senate: they had some hiring committee confirmations, discussion on the voting methods for PAC, and the Student Equity Plan presentation that concentrated on classroom success data.

    • Galoyan reported that the system is running a bit slow today since registration is now open for continuing students. It is the fourth day of registration and many classes are already full for the winter quarter.

    • Mandy reported on Financial Aid and they are finishing up their audit and are working on distributing emergency funds.

    Good of the Order

    Galoyan wanted to mention that she attended the Flea Market for the first time and she commented on how busy it was but also how amazing it was to see so many vendors, it was like a celebration of life with music and food. Galoyan congratulated the team on their good work.

    Members did not have any other statements or observations to note at this time.

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