Guided Pathways: Get On the Path
The college has identified meta-majors, or academic areas of interest, that students can use to get a good start on an academic pathway.
Many of our students come into college without a declared major. Selecting a meta-major allows students to strike a balance between exploring potential majors while still making timely progress towards their academic goals.
Meta-Majors: Fall 2019 – 2021
Six meta-majors were developed by inviting faculty, staff, administrators and students
to engage in activities that helped conceptualize and build out each one.
The Academic Senate and College Council approved the meta-majors in spring 2020.
Departments were initially placed within the meta-majors based on the data collected during the various meta-major building activities throughout the year. (Each department was given the option to switch if another meta-major seemed more appropriate.)
The Guided Pathways Core Team is now working with the Office of Communications to develop a student-facing website so students can begin using meta-majors to guide their academic paths, beginning in time for fall 2021 registration.