HEFAS Annual Summit
What Is It?
This is a free event that happens every spring, HEFAS invites students, parents, educators
and community members to a day-long summit conference. Topics include a wide-range of issues concerning the undocumented community such as
the undocumented identity and ally support. We have workshops, key note speakers and
performances throughout the day. Complimantary breakfast and lunch is provided. Everyone
must register prior to the day.
Summit 2024
This years HEFAS Summit theme is "A Decade of Student Empowerment and Educational
HEFAS (Higher Education for AB 540 Students) is an institutional and educational program
that provides free services, reduces financial stress and creates a safe space for
all with an emphasis on students with an undocumented or AB 540 students. We will have Keynote speaker, workshop sessions, performances and food!
Date: Friday, June 7th, 2023
Time: 10:30 AM- 3:30 PM
Where: Conference Room A & B, De Anza College
Please register- RSVP Link
Past Conference Themes: