Name: Gregory Stachnick (MPS Math 10 - Statistics)
What was your undergraduate major? Mathematics (Minor in Physics)
What helped you succeed in college? Changing my attitude from studying for a grade to studying to learn the material,
no matter what the class. Deciding that asking questions in class was ok, even at
the risk of having lassmates think I was dumb.
What advice would you give students? Don't be afraid to ask for help. This is a sign of maturity not weakness. Be persistent,
don't ever give up. Be open,. expose yourself to new ideas and concepts. Evaluate
them without pre-judging. Don't be afraid of change.
Name: Rani Fischer (MPS Math 31 - Precalculus I)
What was your undergraduate major? Mathematics
What helped you succeed in college? Reaching out for help
What advice would you give students? Don't trust anyone who tells you how to feel
What was your undergraduate major?
What helped you succeed in college?
What advice would you give students?
What was your undergraduate major?
What helped you succeed in college? .
What advice would you give students?
What was your undergraduate major?
What helped you succeed in college?
What advice would you give students?.
![Danny](/mps/our-counselors/Danny.jpg) |
Name: Danny Tran (MPS Math 31 - Precalculus I)
What was your undergraduate major? Mathematics, Economics, and Statistics
What helped you succeed in college? Scheduling every activity I had really helped me organize my life and manage my time
wisely. I tried my best to be realisitics with how much time I needed to study and
fit fun activities around my work and study schedule. This strategy really helped
me to minimize procerastination, which had been the source of so much of my anxiety
early in college.
What advice would you give students? Focus on learning, not just on grades. If you are able to focus on gaining a deep
understanding of the material, retaining what you learn, and being able to communicate
those concepts and ideas to classmates, the good grades will follow. Having that unrelenting
desire to master everything you do will give you the knowedge and skills to truly
be successful.