Frequently Asked Questions
Find common questions about the Adapted Physical Education program regarding classes, college application, registration, adding/dropping classes, tuition fees and more.
About APE
What is APE?
Founded in 1973, the Adapted Physical Education (APE) program is designed to provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to obtain the benefits of improved physical fitness, where participation in a non-adapted physical education setting would be not be the same.
Where is APE located?
The APE gym is located in building PE1 at room PE-13. We are across from the Forum (FOR) building. The adapted aquatic classes are located in the PE-quad.
What are your hours?
The PE-13 gym is open on Monday through Friday and during the hours of 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.
How do I contact APE?
PE-13 Gym
Phone: 408.864.8465
Cindy Lee, DSPS-APE Coordinator
APE Program Information
Phone: 408.864.8978
Michael Fosnaugh, DSPS Division Office
APE Registration Assistance
Phone: 408.864.8885
Can I request a tour to APE?
Prospective students are welcome to visit APE during class times. Please submit your
request at least 72 hours in advance to the proposed visitation date. A DSPS Coordinator
will respond to your email with confirmation.
APE Classes
What classes does APE provide?
APE provides on campus and online courses to meet the fitness needs of students with disabilities include exercise in the areas of:
- Total Adapted Fitness
- Adapted Cardiovascular Training
- Adapted Total Strength
- Adapted Aerobic Swimming
- Adapted Aquatic Exercise
Curriculum is designed to accommodate individual programs as well as appropriate group instruction.
What are the classes like?
Our student population covers all ages, backgrounds, and disabilities. Each student engages in a program of exercises based on his/her own individualized plan, with the option of group participation in selected classes. Most courses enroll up to 15 or more students.
How are classes scheduled?
APE classes follow the De Anza College's quarter system calendar. Each quarter lasts for (12) twelve weeks, except for an (8) eight week long summer session.
Fall Quarter
12 weeks - Late September to mid December
Winter Quarter
12 Weeks - January to end of March
Spring Quarter
12 Weeks - Early April to end of June
Summer Quarter
8 Weeks - July to late August
Classes that meet Mon/Wed/Fri are 50 minutes in length, and classes that meet Tues/Thurs are 1 hour 15 minutes. Students enroll for one quarter length session at a time and must re-enroll to continue in the following quarter's classes.
College Application
How do I apply to De Anza College?
The APE registration page has the steps as a new or returning student and apply for admission to De Anza College.
Click on the Apply Now button that will take you to OpenCCC Apply to sign in or create a California Community Colleges student account. OpenCCC is an online application system used by De Anza and other California community colleges. Get started with the college application and visit the link below.
What is the processing time for my application?
Please allow 5-6 working days for processing your application. There may be a slight delay of an additional day or two if more information to process your application. Admissions and Records will contact you if that becomes necessary.
How do I reset my password?
If you have an existing OpenCCC account that you are unable to log into, please do not create a new account. This could delay the admissions and enrollment process. Contact Support for assistance in accessing your existing account.
Forget your OpenCCC password?
APE Registration
How do I register for classes?
Use your web browser to go to
- Log in to your MyPortal account
- Open the Apps section
- Click on the tile for Student Registration
- Use the new version and click the top link of the Registration Tools
- Click Register for Classes
- Select Term
- Click the tab to Enter CRNs
- Enter the 5-digit CRN
- Click Add button, the class will be added to your Summary
- then click the Submit button
When you click the Add button, the class will appear in the Summary section in the bottom right area of your screen, and in the Schedule section in the bottom left area of your screen.
- In the Summary section, you'll see the status is "Pending" because you are not yet registered for the class.
- You should also check to be sure the "Action" dropdown menu shows ***Web Registered***
- You then need to click the Submit button to actually register for the class.
How do I get on the waitlist?
How to Get on the Waitlist
Follow the steps on how to register in the "How do I register for classes" - FAQ section. Then, proceed to do the following:
You may find that a class you want is already full, which will be indicated in the Status column.
- Use the Action dropdown menu and select Waitlisted, then click the Submit button
You should see the status change to green, showing that you are now on the waitlist for that class.
Once you're on the waitlist, the registration system will monitor the class for openings and, if a seat becomes available, the system will automatically add students in the order they are listed on the waitlist. If you are added, you will be notified by an automated email from Enrollment Services.
How do I add classes with an add code?
How to Get on the Waitlist with and Add Code
Follow the steps on how to register in the "How do I register for classes" - FAQ section. Then, proceed to do the following:
- Select the Enter CRNs tab and then type in the course CRN.
You’ll see a box pop up with the heading: Enter Your Authorization Code. This is where you type in the six-digit Add Code, and then click on Confirm.
Complete the process. Remember that you still need to click the Submit button in the lower right corner of the Summary box.
How I drop classes?
Use your web browser to go to
- Log in to your MyPortal account
- Open the Apps section
- Click on the tile for Student Registration
- Use the new version and click the top link of the Registration Tools
- click on Add or Drop Classes
The deadlines to drop a class are listed on the academic calendar. Students are responsible for dropping classes. If you are unable to drop online, contact APE by email at
Fees and Payment
What are the enrollment fees?
Tuition fees are set by the California state legislature and will vary according to your residency status and other factors. All fees are subject to change without notice.
APE classes are offered at 1.0 unit during fall, winter and spring. Summer classes are offered at 0.5 unit.
The Enrollment Fees:
- $31.00 per unit
Basic one-time Fees:
- $51.75 Summer
- $53.75 Fall, Winter, and Spring
How do I pay tuition and basic fees?
Use your web browser to go to
- Log in to your MyPortal account
- Open the Apps section
- Click Bill Payment app and pay fees
How do I receive a refund?
There will be no grade recorded if you drop before the deadline. You may also be eligible for a refund, pending a refund request is submitted from MyPortal. The deadlines to drop a class are listed on the academic calendar.
Use your web browser to go to
- Log in to your MyPortal account
- Open the Apps section
- Click Bill Payment app
- Click Refund Request button
Be sure to double-check the permanent address before submitting. You should then see a confirmation message. The college will mail a check to the confirmed US permanent address if a credit card refund is not possible.
How do I apply for Financial Aid?
The "California College Promise Grant" is the new name for what used to be called the Board of Governors (or BOG) Fee Waiver. This program waives enrollment fees for eligible community college students (eligibility dependent on academic progress).
How do I pay for parking?
Parking fees have been temporarily waived. Students can park free on campus during the 2024-25 academic year, without purchasing a parking permit. (Students should continue to park only in spaces designated for students.)
Parking and Student Drop-Off
Location for Parking?
The most convenient location is Lot C on the east side of campus off Stelling Road, near the entrance to the pool and Physical Education complex. A row of handicap parking is available between the pool entrance and parking structure.
Where do students get dropped off?
APE Student Pick-up/Drop-off at PE-13
VTA ACCESS Paratransit and disabled students may use the drop-off access road to gyms
PE1 and PE2. After dropping-off the student, the vehicle must then be parked in Lot C during the student's class period. Vehicles are not permitted to remain in the loading area or in the access road area
during classes.
How do I repeat APE Courses?
A student with a verified disability enrolled in a special class may request to repeat
the special class. The decision to approve or deny additional repetitions is based
on the validity of the declared special circumstances. The approval period is only
effective for the quarter and year listed on the front of the form. When an approval
period expires, the student must re-apply if he/she believes that one or more of the
special circumstances are still valid and the student wishes to continue enrollment
in the special class in question. If the request for repetitions is denied, the explanation
and comments of why the specific DSP&S Department faculty and staff believe the special
circumstances declared by the student are invalid or no longer apply, must be listed
on the form.
How to Submit Petition for Course Repetitions
- Login to the college MyPortal
- Click Apps and locate applications for Students
- Click Adobe Sign Student Form
- Listed under Student Webforms
Click title of link to form: De Anza Petition for Course Repetitions (DSPS - Adapted Physical Education) - Click Continue to accept the Adobe Terms of Use at the bottom
- Select the quarter, year, student name, and 8-digit Campuswide ID (student ID)
- Enter the 5-digit Course Registration Number (CRN) and PEA Course Number
- Declare that an additional repetition is essential: B) List classes: KNES-19AX
- Sign the document electronically and submit
How do I request accommodations?
A student with a verified disability can work with a DSS counselor at Disability Support
Services to request accommodations. Academic goals, accommodations/services, and resources
will be identified as well as having academic progress monitored.
After your DSS application and counseling intake appointment is complete, please use Clockwork to request your approved accommodations. Clockwork will send your accommodation letter to your instructor(s) who will complete your request.
How to Request Accommodations
Step 1: Login to Myportal
Step 2: Select Apps
Step 3: Select ClockWork
Step 4: Select ClockWork DeAnza
Step 5: Select Accommodations Letter
Step 6: Choose the correct term. Click Request for the class you need the accommodations letter
Step 7: Select the Courses and Request Your Accommodations. Check all that apply. Indicate whether your accommodations are correct or need to
be changed. (Use Optional Note section to clearly list the additional accommodations requested.)
Step 8: Agree to Terms and click Submit
Step 9: Download accommodation letter for each course by clicking Get Letter.
Do you provide mobility services?
A wheelchair-accessible courtesy shuttle service is available to students with temporary or permanent disabilities that affect their mobility. Transport on a regularly scheduled basis or for special appointments may be arranged. The shuttle operates between major campus buildings and is available Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm.
How do I file a complaint?
If you have personally experienced harassment, sexual harassment or discrimination – or if you think you may have experienced such conduct and would like assistance – you can contact the college Title IX coordinator to discuss your concerns. You can also learn how to file a complaint and find a link to the online complaint form by visiting the Title IX website.