Faculty Serving on other Shared Governance Committees
Committee | Position | |
Chancellor's Advisory Council |
Erik Woodbury | woodburyerik@deanza.edu |
Classified Senate |
Erik Woodbury, Faculty Representative | woodburyerik@deanza.edu |
College Council | Patty Guitron, Co-Chair Academic Senate Vice President |
guitronpatty@deanza.edu |
Sukhjit Singh, Curriculum Co-Chair |
Jim Nguyen FA Representative | nguyenjames@deanza.edu | |
Erik Woodbury RAPP Tri-Chair | woodburyerik@deanza.edu | |
District Budget Advisory Committee | Mary Pape |
papemary@deanza.edu |
District Diversity & Equity (DDEAC) Advisory | Cheryl Balm |
balmcheryl@deanza.edu |
District Human Resources Advisory | Cheryl Balm |
balmcheryl@deanza.edu |
Educational Technology Advisory | Tom Dolen (Confirmed 10/5/2020) | dolentom@deanza.edu |
Equity Action Council (EAC) | Steve Nava Tri-Chair 2024-2026 |
navasteve@deanza.edu |
Joe D'Agostino 2024-2026 |
dagostinojoe@deanza.edu | |
Vernon Gallegos 2023-2025 |
gallegosvernon@deanza.edu | |
Campus Facilities |
Rachel Catuiza | catuizarachel@deanza.edu |
Jamie Pelusi | pelusijamie@deanza.edu | |
Sarah Lisha | lishasarah@deanza.edu | |
Professional Development Leave Committee |
Natasha Joplin-Lightfoote |
joplin-lightfootenatasha@deanza.edu |
Amy Leonard | leonardamy@deanza.edu | |
Resource Allocation and Program Planning (RAPP) |
Erik Woodbury, Tri-Chair, 2023-2025 |
woodburyerik@deanza.edu |
Simon Kang'a 2024-2025 | kangasimon@deanza.edu | |
Alicia De Toro, 2023-2025 |
detoroalicia@deanza.edu |
Christina Wright W2025 - Sp2025 | wrightchristina@deanza.edu |
Senate Subcomittees
Committee | Position | |
Academic Senate Award Committee |
Felisa Vilaubi | vilaubifelisa@deanza.edu |
Mary Pape | papemary@fhda.edu | |
Sukhjit Singh | singhsukhjit@deanza.edu | |
Curriculum Committee |
Sukhjit Singh, Co-Chair | singhsukhjit@deanza.edu |
Environmental Sustainability | Cynthia Kaufman | kaufmancynthia@fhda.edu |
Inactive |
Other Committees
Committee | Position | |
Campus Center Board | Sunghae Jung | jungsunghae@fhda.edu |
Julie Keiffer-Lewis | keifferlewisjulie@deanza.edu | |
Campus Facilities: Art on Campus Advisory Committee |
Julie Sartwell - 2024-25 |
sartwelljulie@deanza.edu |
College Environmental Advisory Group | Alicia De Toro, Faculty | |
College Planning | Faculty Representative |
Committee of Online Learning (COOL) | James Capurso | onlineeducation@deanza.edu |
Local General Education (GE) Committee | ||
Online Advisory Team (OAT) | James Capurso |
onlineeducation@deanza.edu |
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committee |
Mary Pape, Chair |
Student Grievance & Student Conduct Hearing Board | Various Faculty Members | |
Technology Committee | Mary Pape, Co-Chair | papemary@deanza.edu |