Requirements for International Students

All students who enroll at De Anza College on an F-1 Visa are required to submit certain health documents. You'll find these described on on this webpage or on our online Student Health Portal.

  1. First, you must be admitted to De Anza through the International Student Programs (ISP) office
  2. Next, you must pay your tuition and fees
  3. After that, you will need to complete all required forms and submit required documents via the online Student Health Portal
  4. Please attend the ISP Orientation to learn more about health requirements, scheduling appointments and upcoming ISP events.

If you don't meet all health requirements, the college may place a registration hold on your student records, which will prevent you from registering for classes or obtaining your diploma. 

All F-1 Visa students must submit

Students under age 18 must also submit

Two Ways to Log In


  • Pyramed tileYou can log in to the Student Health Portal by clicking on the yellow button above or visiting 
  • You can also reach the Student Health Portal by logging in to MyPortal, locating the card for Health Services and then clicking on De Anza Student Health Services.

Once you've logged in, click on Document Upload and then open the dropdown menu to select the Document Type that you want to submit.

Important Note

Your TB blood test results and proof of MMR immunity (see details below) must be documented in English, in an official lab record that includes the following information:

  • Letterhead for the provider or lab facility
  • Your name, date of birth and date the test was administered
  • Test name, results and relative reference range for this test

Tuberculosis Testing

All incoming ISP students must submit the results of a TB blood test, which must be administered within one year of admission to the program. The only accepted blood tests are an IGRA- QuantiFERON-TB Gold blood test or a TSpot blood test. For more information, please view the recorded orientation video provided by the ISP office, or contact the Student Health Services office.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Immunity

All incoming ISP students must show proof of immunity to MMR via titers (blood test) or vaccine series. Vaccine records must include

  • Date of administration
  • Lot number and expiration date of the MMR vaccine
  • Signature and stamp from clinician verifying the results

Handwritten records will NOT be accepted.

Students Under Age 18

Students under 18 must complete this form and then upload it to the Student Health Portal


For questions about these forms, please send an email to 
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