Keeping Our Campus Safe/Sexual Misconduct
Federal Title IX/Campus Save Act
The Campus SaVE Act is an update to the Clery Act, expanding the scope of this legislation in terms of reporting, response, and prevention education requirements around rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

It's on Us Campaign at De Anza
A nationwide movement to fundamentally shift the way we think about sexual assault. Stopping Sexual Assault is the responsibility of ALL of Us. Take the Pledge to be Part of the Solution!
What To Do If You're Assaulted
Learn how to preserve the evidence from your incident. Please know that you’re not alone.
Campus Contacts
- Emergency: 911 or 408-924-8000
- Campus Police (if there's no emergency): 650-949-7313
- Student Health Services: 408-864-8732
- Title IX Coordinator:
Laureen Balducci, or 408.864.8954